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Show 286 DR. EINAR LONNBERG ON HYBRID [Apr. 18, As tlie two specimens last described show mixed characters, derived from L. europceus as well as from L. timidus, their hybiid nature appears to be proved. But, on the other hand,^ as the characters derived from the Variable Hare are more dominating, there is a probability that they are products of a secondary crossing as alluded to above. If such a supposition be correct, the hybrids between the two species of Hare now living in Scania must be fertile with the parental stock. The genital organs of such specimens as I have had the opportunity of examining appeared to be quite normally developed and not at all smaller than in other Hares, when killed in the winter. As the two species are closely related, the interbreeding and the fertility of the hybrids do not appear to be unnatural or unexpected. It is nevertheless interesting to verify this. Count Tage Tliott informs me that it is a rather common occurrence, which he himself and his gamekeepers have observed many times, that Hares belonging to the two different species copulate with each other. It is evident from this that the two species have no antipathy, as sometimes is the case even between related species. The result of this must therefore be that hybrids are produced in such localities where representatives of both species meet. It is especially likely that a crossing may take place when either species has been introduced into a country formerly inhabited only by the other, as is the case in Southern Sweden. It also appears as if the opinion of the sportsmen there was correct, and that there is an actual occurrence of hybrid Hares in all degrees of mixing of both species. If then, as is supposed and also seems probable, the hybrids are fertile, the final result may be, either a new race which, so to say, swallows the two original species through unlimited intercrossing, or, may be, one of the races gains superiority over the other, the latter in course of time being eliminated and disappearing, while the former breeds true and becomes more and more pure again. At least in some places in Scania, as for instance at Skabersjo, the latter seems to be the case with Lepus europceus, or the " German Hare," as we call it in this country. Count Thott has told me that when this species had been recently introduced, such specimens as he regarded as hybrids were rather numerous, but later they have become more and more scarce, so that among the first two hundred Hares shot this last season only one (viz., the one first described in this paper) seemed doubtful; the others were considered colour of the under-fur of the chest, the broad black stripe on the comparatively verj' long tail, prove a certain amount of inheritance from L . europceus. The measurements and the characteristics of the skull indicate the hybrid nature of the specimen as well. The differences between the specimens of L . europceus from Eastern Germany and those from Denmark alluded to above are rather striking, at least when both are in winter garb, the latter being much darker above and having the chest coloured with a deep rusty red. It appears, therefore, that the Danish Hares form a separate geographical race.] |