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Show 260 MESSRS. O. TIIOMAS AND H. SCHWANN ON [Apr. 18, grey subterminally, the tips black with a greenish iridescence. Sides rather lighter, but without rufous tinge, which is however present in specimen No. 874. Under surface dark grey (" mouse-grey"), a narrow median line rather darker. Chin dull whitish, which colour extends upwards on each side on to the cheeks. Crown and top of muzzle brown, finely flecked with white, and with a patch about 2 mm. in diameter over each eye. Limbs grey like the lower surface, the wrists lighter. Skull similar in shape to that of A . hottentottus, but markedly smaller throughout. Teeth : second and third incisors and canine similar in shape, the last-named not markedly more triangular in section. First premolar (PI. X Y I. fig. 1) triangular, not elongated transversely. Two posterior premolars, and the molars, quite separated from each other, broad transversely, very narrow antero-posteriorly, the outer cusps little developed, so that the outer antero-posterior diameter of p4 is only about l 'l mm. In No. 874, which we suppose to show the milk-dentition of the same species, this last diameter (including the prominent antero-external cusp) is about 1'5 mm. (see PI. X Y I. fig. 1). Below, the last two premolars and the two molars have each a low posterior basal ledge, off which a small cusp may have been worn. No. 874 has the usual distinct posterior basal cusps. Dimensions of the type (measured in the flesh):- Head and body 116 mm.; hind foot (s.u.) 13. Skull- greatest length 25-4; basal length 20; greatest breadth 15‘6; greatest height 12-3; interorbital breadth 8 ; front of i ' to back of m2 10 ; palate, breadth across premolars 8-7. Hab. Umvolosi Station, altitude 50 m. Type. Adult male. B.M. no. Original number 873. Collected 16 September, 1904. This distinct species may be readily recognised by its smaller size, as compared with A. hottentottus. From A. obtusirostris it differs in having its upper anterior premolars of a distinctly pre-molariform shape, Peters's species apparently having them of the molariform outline also found in A . ehrysillus, described below. These three specimens are of particular interest as illustrating the very late change of dentition in the group, recently discovered by Prof. Leche* in Chrysochloris asiatica. While examining Mr. Rudd's specimens we have compared all the Museum examples of Amblysomus hottentottus, and find that the form found in Pondoland differs so much in colour as to deserve subspecific recognition. It might be called A m b l y som u s h o t t e n t o t tu s po n d o l ijE, s u b s p . n . Similar to true A. hottentottus in size and other essential characters, but tlie dorsal area, from crown to rump, is glossy * Zool. Anzeiger, xxyii. p. 219 (1904). W e owe to the kindness of Prof. Leche a drawing of a milk-premolar of the specimen he described. |