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Show 1905.] CAPE VERDE MARINE FAUNA. 171 examination of several large collections simultaneously by a worker (or group of workers) who has seen the specimens alive. The fauna of the Cape Verde Islands also promises to he interesting in connection with the ocean-currents of the Atlantic. The group (text-fig. 21) lies in the path of the southern division of the Gulf-stream, which is joined by another stream from near the Straits of Gibraltar. Both these are cold currents, the warm stream from the Gulf of Guinea passing a little to the south of the group. It will be interesting to know what constituents of the fauna, if any, are derived from the Caribbean Sea. Some North Atlantic and Mediterranean forms are mentioned below. Text -fig. 21. For the purpose of a comparison of faunas, the common forms of life in a few groups are sufficient, and a summer vacation affords time enough to collect these. I therefore applied to the Carnegie Trustees for funds to enable me to spend two months in the Islands, which they generously supplied. The kindness of many friends at home and in the Islands made my stay most pleasant, besides contributing much to the success of my work. I cannot publicly thank all by name, but to Messrs. Rhodes and Pacey, Managers of Messrs. Wilson's Coaling Company, I owe special gratitude for the use of a room in their house as a headquarters' laboratory-a boon the value of which tlie donors themselves could hardly fully estimate. |