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Show 1905.] OX MAMMALS FROM THE TRANSVAAL. 129 3 . The Rudd Exploration o£ South Africa.- I I . List of Mammals from the Wakkerstroom District, South- Eastern Transvaal. By Oldfield T homas, F.R.S., F .Z .S ., and H arold S chwan n , F.Z.S.* [Received January 24, 1905.J On a previous occasion t we described a collection of mammals made by Mr. 0. H. B. Grant in British Namaqualand, on behalf of Mr. C. D. Rudd, by whom they had been presented to the National Museum. In continuation of his scientific exploration of South Africa, Mr. Rudd has now presented to the Museum a further series of specimens obtained by the same collector at and near Wakkerstroom, S.E. Transvaal, in March, April, and May 1904. The importance of an exploration of this region lies in its being near the north-eastern limit of South Africa proper, and on the eastern border of the Transvaal tableland, thus presenting a contrast to the neighbouring area of Zululand, which has a warmer climate and lies at a much lower elevation. The collection is a fairly large one, and includes specimens of twenty-six species or subspecies, mostly represented by series of perfect skins, with skulls and measurements, and is a very valuable accession to the National Museum. Two localities are represented in it-Wakkerstroom itself, at an altitude of about 1850 m .; and Zuurbron, about 20 miles to the east of Wakkerstroom, altitude 1600 m. While this collection has been under examination, the Museum has received from Mr. R. C. Wroughton, already well known by his work in Bombay, a useful series of Mammals obtained by him at Estcourt, Natal. These have in many instances proved of value in making out the Wakkerstroom species, 1. PlPISTRELLUS KUHLII FUSCATU8 ThoS. j . 746. Zuurbron. This is the first record of any Pipistrellus other than P. nanus in South Africa. . . . The subspecies was described from Naivasha, British East Africa, and specimens apparently referable to it are also in the Museum collection from Nyasaland. So far as a skin can be accurately compared with a spint-specimen, the Zuurbron example appears to agree with the type in every respect. * [The complete account of tlie new species described in this communication nnnears here • but since the name and preliminary diagnosis w.ere published in t he ‘ Abstmct/ the species is distinguished by the name being underlined.-hi>iToa,j f P. Z. S. 1904, i. p. 171. P roc, Z ool. S o c .- 1 9 0 5 , A o l . I . ^<o. I X . |