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Show INDIAN SCHOOL INSTITUTES. 439 Q. How many fingers. have you, Susie? A. I have five fingers on one hand. Q. Now I want each one to count carefully and tell me how Inany eyes your potato has. \Vhen you have found out yo11 may go to the board, quici<ly, and write it for us. (Pupils go to the hoard and write rarionsly) :"My potato has - eyes:' etc. Q. That is Tery good. We must now \\.ash the potatoes. To be a good cook it Is necessary to be very dean. TVe must hare a clean face, clean hands, clean dresses, and a clean room. If our huuds are not clean me may get soiuething into the things me are coolring, and If we eat what is not clean it sill make US si::l<. Ve will not be able to cooir nicely: people will say me are not nice girls, and what \re eat will make people sick. So tell me again: What is neces-sarx, c:;~ss?-A. (Class) : We must hire clean hands, clean dresses, and keep our palls clean, and not let anything that is m t clean come near our food. Teadier. \\-e will wash our hands. \\'e IT-ill ivash the potatoes. We mill peel the potatoes. (Teacher writes these sentences on the board. Class read what is written.) Q. Sow let us peel the potatoes, quickly. Hon. illany mays may potatoes be cool;ed, Edna? Tell me one way. I lilre them baked.-A. I like them bailed. Q. Agnes, tell us another way.-A. They eiun be fried. Teacher. To-day we \vill stew them. I \rill write the recipe on the board for s t e~r edp otatoes. (Teacher writes) : Wash the potatoes and peel them. Cut the potatoes into sinall pieces. Tasll them again. P!lt potatoes into saucepan; cover then1 with boilin:: water; let them boil tn7enty minutes. If the water boils down. acld more nater. Potiltoes must not burn. Q. We will now set the saucepan an the store for t i e potatoes to cool;. Who can show me on the clock how long the potatoes must cook?-A. ( A pnpil.) I can. Tencher then allows pupil to illustrate by shoving on the face of the clock where the hands should be, etc., by the time tlke potatoes ha7.e cooked long enongil. Tencher: "This far is hoxr many luiuutes? Tllis far how many?" and so on. Q. When the potatoes have caolted twenty minutes, how call we tell if they' are done or ready to eat?-A. (A yupil.) We must pierce the pieces with a fork. If the potato is soft and the fork goes thru the pieces easily, they are ready to he eaten. We then put salt and a little butter on them, and they are ready to serre. Pupils may non. rrrite the recipe for stewing potatoes in their smnll caolrbooks. (Teacher explains thnt each child is making a cooi~boolr, and thnt rhen they learn how to cool; n new dish the recipe is mritten In the boolis, the [mpils learning to recite them.) At the next class every pupil mill be expected to tell nli about stewing potatoes. Teachers should adapt these methods to meet the neds of their children, and should not fnil to give sufficient drill upon one lesson before dereloping a lcvson on a new topic. Some ci;lsses nrill require a longer time to derelop a lesson than others, depending, of course, upon pupils' knon'ledge of English. TElCHIXG POULTKY RAISIN0 IN THE CUSS BOOM. [PreseDtea by Miss Laura B. Norton, teacher, I'ima School, Arizona.] NOTE.--Ponltry raiFillg is one of the main sources from vhich the Pima Indians dran- their liring. Almost all tribes of Indians are fond of chiclcens, and it nwld seem to be nn esi,ecially profitablesubject to have taught in c!ass rooms. .4n effort is being made to have tencllers be-in their nrork in the class room with objects with which the children are fam'rliar, and in this lesson a live chicken r d s used to advnntage. The chicken lesson which I have fo give is about a second or third grnde lesson, and is onls one of scores which may be eiren on this subject in actual sCho01 ITOPB, from tlle "cry first lessolls beginning "See n lien." "The hen has two eyes," "The hen has tmo legs," "The hen cnn rml." to ndranced-grade IeSSOUS, Studying breeds, etc. I shall give the lesson as I should in my own schoolroom as nearly :is possible, considering thnt I wish in a wry short time to cover more ground and malce several more points than I eould attemj,t in one new lesson with my little Pima people, who must adrnnce rer? slorvly In order to learn and understand thoroiy every step. |