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Show -. .. - I REPORT OF THE CONMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS . ' 19 I roadside in front of their place8 . A program and special pre&ium list . was got out and sent broadcast among the Indians . Premiums amounting to a total of $711 were offered for exhibits, and purses for races. to .be paid from gatk receipts . he premiums for exhibits were : Best display of farm products. by district ............................. $50.00 S e n d best ........................... 25.00 Rest e a i g c o i t ................................................... 15.00 Second b e ......................................................... 7 . 00 T i bes t ............................. 3.00 . . Best display of products by individual Indian ......................... 10.00 S e n d best ................................... 7.00 , T i bes t .......................... ..................1 . ..... 3. 0 0 Greatest variety of products ......................................... 10.00 Finest chickens. ............................... ...............L..... 5.00 Finest pigs .......................................................... 5.00 Finest display of fruit ............................................... 5.00 Indian woman having nicest kept tepee at fair. ._...... ............. 10.00 Second best .......... .............................................. 5.00 Nicest display of canned and dried fruit .............................. 5.00 Nlcest display of jellies .............................................. 5.00 Best stallion ........................................................ 6.00' Best brood mare ....... .................7........................... 5.00 Best milch cow ................................................... 2. 5.00 Best 'dull (yearling) ............................................. 5.00 ..B...e..s.t.. .w...o...r.k.. .t..e..a..m...,. ..w. agon, and harness 5.00 Best display of meal and table, cooked and set.for four ........... - .... 15.00 Second best ....................................................... 10.00 Best display of breads, cakes, and pies ................................ 5.00 Best displny'of sewing. ....................................... ....... 5.00 Biggest pumpkill ............................... 1 . ................... 2.00 Riggest squxsh ...................................................... 2.00 Biggest wntermelon. ................................................ 2.00 Biggest cabbage ...................................................... 2.00 Biggest potatoes (1 bushel) ...................................,.... 2.00 Nicest wheat ........................................................ 2.00 Nicest oats ......................................................... 2.00 Nicest corn ...................................... ................. 2 2.00 Nicest box of apples. L ............................................... 2:00 Nicest box o. .f. .c. .h. .i.c.k. .e.n. .s... ... ..... ..................... 2.00 Nicest bo x.o.f.d.ucks 2.00 Nicest box OFturkeys ................................................ 2 . F Nicest display of home-made butter .............. 1 .................... 2.00 Nicest variety of vegetables ................... ..................... L 5.00 The program ran thus: . . Monday, September 25: Each distyict will spend the day in arranging exhibits in floral halls Tuesday, september 26: 10 a . m., grand live-stock parade thru agency grounds; afternoon, racing and s?orts . Thursday, September 28 : 10 a . m., grand parade thru agency gr'ounds of Iumber 'wagons and farm teams, mntaining the ownerg and their families . Prim : First, $20 ; second, $15 : third, $10 . Afternoon, racing and sports . i |