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Show 432 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF INDIAN SCHOOLS. Robert wrote: " Puynllup Valler will produce cabbage, lettuce, radishes, pota-toes, cucumbers, onions, celery, carrots, parsnips, peas, and berries in great abundauce. Many men keep a large herd of cows because they can get a good price for the milk." Oscar writes (from dictation) : I 24 feet equal the length. House----- 14 feet equal the wldth. 10 feet equal the height. I Living room, 12 x 14, east. Bed rwm, 10 x 12 west front. Closet, 4 x 6, weat rear. Pantry, 4 x 6, west rear. Q. Here we have a lesson in sentence work, spelling, and pnnctuatlon; in this country of great rainfall, does it affect our homes in any way, Robert?- A. Yes; It causes the moss to grow on the roof. Q. What effect does the moss produce?--& It makes the shingles mt Q. What muqt he done about the muoss, Frankiel-A. Clear it off wlth a hoe. Q. Tho we may take good care of the shingles, in ten or twelve years we shall find the roof leaking, and then if we have some knowledge of shingling we shall be more liable to have our house reshingled when necessary, for often a man might have sufficient money to buy the shingies when he did not have the money to hire a carpenter at $3.50 to $4 per day to put them on. Oscar, YOU may flnd the number of shingles required to cover both sldes of the roof, and their eosb at $2.25 per M. Frankie may draw the ground-floor plan to the scale of one-half inch to the foot. Robert, draw the outside in the same way. (Fmuk~eh as the ground floor plan completed.) Q. Fmnkie, where will you have your doors in the closet and pantry?-A. The closet should open from the bedroom and the pantry from the living rwm. If you Lave not tried you will he surprised to see where the children would place the doors. I have hod them say they would go through the bedroom and closet to eet into the nantrv. (Rober;t's outside piau completed.) Q. Robert, where will you have doors and windows?-A. (Points to them.) One door and two windows in the front, and a window in each end, and a back door a: the hack of the 1ivinP room. Q. Oscar mav ex~lainh is >rohlem. ioscitr exp~nlnsp roblem.) 7 feet equal oncl~alf the width of the llouse, the nmount rorered by one rafter. 17 inrl>es equal tlw unlouut rifie of the mfter to cowr 1 foot in width. 7 - 119 inches equal 12)119 the length of rafter from plate to cone. - !3-11/12 feet equal the length of rafter from plate to cone. 1 foot equals the pro3ection at the eaves. - lo:& feet equal the length of the rafter. 24 feet equal the hodv of the house. 2 feet equal the amount of the projection. - 26 feet equal the length of the roof. 11 feet equal the length of ihe rafter. - 286 square feet equal the area of one side. -2 672 square feet equal the area of two sldes 10 shingles equal number to cover 1 square foot. - 5,720 shingles equal number to cover whole roof. 5,720 shingles equal 5.72 M. -$2.25 e qual cost price of 1 M. $12.87 equal cost price to cover roof. |