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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 71 The excess of 1907 over 1906, $1,110,656.93, is accounted for as. follows : 1907 over 1906 Current and contingent expenses. ------$8-4,-938-.8-9 ---- Fulfilling treaty stipulations ----.--.--37.2,-46-1.-47- ---- Support of schools- --_.--.------14-0,-080-.5.1. -..------ Miscellaneous --.---__.___69.5.,072.9-4 .----------.-.~- $1,292,553.81 1906 over 1907- Miscellaneous supports (gratuities)- --_..-9-, C.OO.- 0-0 -- Incidental expens es-..-.-..--.-----.--....---- 16,920.00 Kansas consolidated fund ----.----..-15-5,.9.76-.8.8- ---- 181,896.88 Net increase ........................................... 1,110,656.93 The principal tdYo increases" fulfilling treaty stipul&tions '' and " miscellaneous "-are due, the first to carrying out the Klamath In-dian agreement, and the last to increased appropriations for irriga-tion and survey purposes in Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The expenditures for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1906, taken from Treasury reports, were as follows: Current and contingent expenses -.---.--.--.-r.-----....---.-- $718,951.61 . . . Fulfilling treaties ...................................... 1,715,921.46 ~Iiscellaueous supports ....................................... 567,555.90 ' s t f u n d 2,876,140.33 Incidentals .................................................. 89,318.00 Support of schools. .......................................... 3,584,lS.3 2 Miscellaneous ............................................... 3,194,793.44 Total ................................................. 12,746,859.08 PROTECTING IWROVEMENTS BY INSURANCE. The following is the substance of a circular letter of May 28, 1906, sent to officers in charge of agencies, as to the protection of Indian owners of improvements against loss by fire or tornado: Authority has been granted for the expenditure of a considerable amount of money arising from the sale of Inherited Indian lauds in the construction of I improvements on Indian allotments, consisting of houses and barns, and it has occurred to the Office that,the desirability of their having the proper@ insured ngainst loss by 5re and tornado should be brought to the attention of the skveral owners of these improvements. You are requested to give this matter the necessary attention to the end that protection against loss from these causes may be secured by the several Indian owners of improvements repiding under your jurisdiction. Where such owners of improvements are not beuefidarles of funds arising from the sale of inherited Indian lands and now on deposit, you are requested to confer with them, suggesting for the purpose the expenditure of other moneys of which they may be possest. |