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Show 50 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. Location, capacity, enroihent, md werage attendan@ of nzission and contract schools durlng the fiscal year ended Jzme SO, 1906-Continued. Location. Supported dy- C&p&e- Enmll- Aver ity. ment. aatntecea.- --- BoABnrNesc~oo~s-oontinued. a New Mexico: Bemalill~.. .............................. CatholicChureh ............. 1% 80 78 santa Fe (St. Catherine's) .................... do. ....... :. ............. 160 166 Jewett (Navaho ~ i e o n.).. ............. PresbyterianChurch ........ 20 16 150 Rehoboth christisn RefomedChurch. 24 20 ................................ 1s North Dakota: 14 DeYiis ~ a k t Turtle Mountain (St Mary's) ........ CatholieChurch ............. 140 124 Standing Rock Agency- 106 St. Elizabeth'~. ...................... Epiroopai Church ........... 62 el Oklahoma: 57 Kiowa Agency- St Patrick's .......................... CathoiicChoroh. ............ 126 90 85 Mar? (iregory ........................ ~resbyterianC hurch ........ W ' 25 18 CacheCreek ......................... Reformed Presbyterian 50 54 . 46 Church. Methvin ............................. Methodiet Church south .... 60 57 . 45 S&C and FOX Re8ervation- Shored Heart St Mary's Academy). Cathoiio Churoh.. ........... w 56 50 sacred xeart {St:Benediot%) ............. do ....................... 50 39 . 81 Oregon: Umetills Reservation- Kate Dreael .............................. do ....................... 150 9.3 Pennsylvania: 56 PhlladelphisiLinooln Institution. ..... Voluntary contributions ..... 40 36 South Dakota: Cheyenne River Agenoy- Oehe ................................. C6ngregstional Church ..... Rosebud Agency- 6 St. Mary's ............................ Episcopal Churoh ........:.. 60 51 sisseton Agencg- 48 Goodwill Mimion .................... Pzeshyterisn Church.. ...... 1W 90 Washington: 63 Colviile- St. Frsnois Regis ..................... Ostholic Church. ............ 120 64 60 St. Mary's ................................. do ....................... 45 37 PUy,il1up- 30 St. George's ................................ do ........................ 90 62 wiseonsin: 50 Red Springs Immmuel Mission) ....... LutheranChureh ............ 20 19 Wittenberg (gethany Mieon) Evangeliesl lutherlln W 33 .......... 8 23 Churoh. L& Pointe Agency- Rayfield ............................. cstholic Chuioh. ............ 76 66 48 Odhnah ................................... do ....................... 125 ' 85 Menominee Reoer~~tioo- 82 Zoar Mission ......................... LutheranChureh. ........... 14 4 WYi?&Lni ~eaervation- St. Stephen's. ........................ CatholicChurch ............. 93 Shoabone Mission. ................... Episcopal Church ........... 16 Total .............................................................. 4,641 / 3,396 2,841 CONTRACT BOARDINR 8CAOOL8. Indian Territory: Quapaw Reservation- I st.niwa ............................ contract and Catholic i .m 24 n Churoh. Montana: Tongue River .......... :. ..................... do ....................... Oklahoms: 65 1 67 61 Osage Agency- St. muis .......................... :.. .....d o ....................... St. John's ................................. do ....................... South Dakota: 35 Cmw Creek ................................... do ....................... Pine Ridge ................................... do ...................... Rosebud .................. : ................... do ....................... 270 1 251 wiaeansin: 233 Green Bsy .................................... do. ..................... .j 2W 1 211 187 Total ................................... .!.. .......................... 1,165 Vixinia: Earn ton &rmzand Agriculhlral Iustitute .. Contractandvoluntary con- 150 tributions. P. |