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Show helped by the missionary to ship it to New York, and received $32 for 32 melons. Many cultivated good gardens, but they were clamoring for more water for irrigation, which it is hoped they will soon have. The buildings were in good repair, and the grounds unusually well .k- e-rn.t -.- A large number of girls are given practical training in general household work. The girls completing the course can immediately find employment at from $25 to $30 a. month in families at River-side and Pasadena, and in view of the reat demand for their services this feature of their training shou f d be emphasized. This will necessitate providing better equipment in the cooking and sewing departments. Instruction in butter making and poultry ralslng should receive more attention from a large number of girls. Several of the teachers did not seem to realize.the importance of adapting the instruction to meet the needs of thelr puplls,.and con-siderable time was spent in endeavoring to assist them individually. Much difficulty has been experienced in obtaining farmers who under-stand local conditions, and thls had interfered to some extent with agricultural instruction. The gardener, who has been there several years, has been unusually sr~ccessful. Practical demonstrative work by graduating pupils was a special feature of the commencement exercises, which proved entertaln~oga s well as instructive. The lbuildings are well constructed and equipped and the genera1 condition of the school plant good. The instr~?ctiong iven the boys in the various trades is,practical. In individual cases the training I? carried Jhru to graduation, and a number of Haskell boys are making a hvmg w a r k g at the trade9 learned at the school. The sewing department 1s well condncted. This school was one of the first to establish a cooking department, and the work is carried on systematically and is accompl?sh~ngg ood results. The work could be enlarged to advantage, and it is recom-mended that an additional teacher he allowed. The present teacher of cooking carries on, in addition to her re ular work, poultry rais-ing, laundering, and butter making. The cfasses are unusually large and an assistant is a necessity. The new hospital is a commodious building and is well sup lied giving pupils instruction in nursing and caring for the slck. with modern appliances. Better opportunlt?es are now affordeX for The comniercial department, which vou directed to he reestablished, will he of at advantage to the stuJents having a small percentage of Indian 'ifl"o od, ~ h ou,n der the law, are allowed the privilege of attending Government schools. This school instructs about 700 pupils each year. |