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Show Q. llow in~nn!. \r.uuld like to he l~m, urller when rbey go home? Slte wiil bc su tirrtl, yuu I;n.xv, nntl very glnd ru have your hrlp.-A. ~Puoils.) I do. 0-. '- - -.--,a .. .I t i I - r e . Hun. ,,oaur ha r e :$ riro nr their tlomes? ~~ - ~~ Do you have a store? Do you? Do you? (Questfoniug different pupils.) We see that all of our children have stoves and all must learn to make a fire. To make a fire me shall need wood cut fine, large wood, paper, matches. (Teacher writes this on board.) Edua, read what we shall need for making a fire.-A. (Reads;) "Woad cut fine, large wood, paper, matches." Q. I think we have these things, and class may take tbem out of their desks. Agnes, you nia; write the story on the hoard, telling what we are going to do- A. (Writes:) We will build a fire." Q. Before we make a fire, we must clean out the stove, taking up all the ashes. What do me use for taking up the ashes? (No reply.) I shall write it on the board and see haw many can read it. (Teacher writes "shovel," and calls for hands.) What shall we need, Susie?-A. "Shovel." 0. Yes: n.e shall need a shovel. but I n.auld like to have you tell me this In a bet& way.-A. We must havk a shovel to take up ashes. Q. That is lnuch better. What else d:, we need? Vhnt do \ye put the ashes in?-A. (Class.) A bucket. Q. Yes; hut I d o not want so short an answer. Tell me the story.-A. (Class.) We put the ashes in a bucket. - Q. That is goad Snsie. you may Trite that on the board.-A. (Writes:) "We put the ashes in x buciiet." Q. Now, Ire have taken nil the ashes out of the stove. Tell me, class, Nhat do ~ v epu t in first?-A. (Class.) TVe nut in the paper, eruml,ling it. Q. Next n.e put in what?-A. (Class.) We put in the kindling wood. Q. Icindling ~ o o d . " ICindling " is a long word; what does it mean, Jobnl- A. " ~ i n d l i n g "m eans s n l ~ l lw oad. Q. Why do we cross the kindling wood?-A. To let in the air so the fire will burn. Q. We put larger wood on top of the kindling, then we light the fire: Agnes may write that story on the board.-A. (Writes:) "We light the fire." Q. Where do We get the matches?-A. At the store. Q. -'hat do matches cost?-A. Five cents for a small box; 10 cents for a large box. Q. We must be careful not to waste matches, and light only one carefully, so It nil1 he enough to stnrt the fire. We must remember that R small box of matches does hot last long, and that when it is, gone we will have to bny another box. If 1 box costs 5 cents, 2 boxes will cost how much, Edna? Edua mrites on board: 1 box 5 c. 1 box 5 c. - 2 boxes cost 10 c. Q. Let us do that another way. Edna writes on board: 5+5=10 Q. What vill 3 boxes cost? Edna \mites on board: - -5 -a . 15, cast of 3 boxes. Q. So we hare learned that the matches cost some money, pnd n7e must not wnste any of them. (Tmcher writes on hoard) : "Now our fire is started and burning. We wiil cool< potatoes for our luncheon." Horv many boys have seen potatoes growhe?-A. (noys. in chorus). I have. Q. Where do they come from, Susie?-A. They come from ihe gnrdeu. 0. As soon as the time comes n.e are eoiuz to nlnnt same notntoes of our om;, no we shall know all about tbem, anb "711 know where tihey come from. how they grow, and other things about them. Now I would like to llave you look at your potato. The potato has something that you have. Who can tell me what it is?-A. (Pupil). The potato has eyes. Q. Agnes, how Inany eyes have you?-A. I have two eyes. |