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Show CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER IN IRRIGATION 1377 Literature Cited (1) CrandaU, Lynn. Report of Use of Water on'Twin Falls North Side Project. 1918 Unpublished data. (2) Hammatt, W. C "Determination of the Duty of Water by Analytical Experiment." Transactions, Am. Soc. C. E., VoL LXXXIII (1920), p. 200. Paper No. 1428. (3) Harding, S. T. Irrigation Studies on the Truckee River, Nevada. Data from testimony in Truckee River adjudication. 1918. (4) --------- "Ground Water in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California." Dept. of Public Works, Div. of Eng. and Irrig. and of Water Rights, Bulletin No. 11, 1925. (5) ---------et «L "Water Resources of Tulare County and Their Utilization." California Dept of Public Works, Div. of Eng. and Irrig., Bulletin. No. S (Kaweah), 1922. (6) Harris, F. S. "The Duty of Water in Cache Valley, Utah." Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 173, 1920. (7) Hedke, C. R. Manuscript, not yet published, supplied to Committee. 1924. (8) HemphilL Robert Q. "Irrigation in Northern Colorado." U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 1026, 1922. (9) Israelsen, Orson W., and Winsor, Luther M. "Duty of Water in Sevier Valley, Utah." Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 182, 1922. (10) Kiesselbach, T. A. "Transpiration as a Factor in Crop Production." Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Bulletin No. 6, 1916. (11) Lewis, M. R. Experiments on the Proper Time and Amount of Irrigation, Twin Falls Experiment Station, 1914, 1915, and 1916. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture co-operating with Twin Falls County Commrs., Twin Falls Canal Co., and Twin Falls Commercial Club, 1919. (12) Meeker, R- I. Largely unpublished engineering reports. See "Remarks" in Table 6. (13) --------- "Return-Flow Water from Irrigation Developments," Engineering Nevis-Record, Vol. 89, No. 3, July 20, 1922. (14) Parker, Q. L., and Store, Frank B. "Water Powers of Uie Cascade Range." Pt. Ill, Yakima River Basin, U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper No. 869, 1916. (15) Par shall, Ralph L. "Return of Seepage Water to the Lower South Platte River in Colorado." Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 279, 1922. (16) Powers, W. L. "Irrigation and Soil Moisture Investigations In Western Oregon." Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. HO, 1914. (17) --------- "The Economical Use of Irrigation Water." Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 1+0, 1917. (18) Snelson, W. H. "Irrigation Practice and Water Requirements for Crops in Alberta." Dept. of the Interior, Canada, Irrig. Series Bulletin No. 6, 1922. (19) Stevens, J. C. "The Duty of Water in the Pacific Northwest." Transactions, Am. Soc. C. E., Vol. LXXXIII' (1922), p. 2094, Paper No. 1462. (20) Steward, W. Q. "Distribution and Disposition of Irrigation Water." Proceedings, Joint Conference of the Irrig., Eng., and Agricultural Societies ot Idaho, 1919, pp. 171 to 182. (21) --------- Data Included in U. S. Bureau of Reclamation "Report on Drainage Investigation of Pioneer and Nampa-Meridian Districts In Boise Valley for the Years 1916 and 1917," by D. J. Paul, Junior Engineer, under the direction of W. G. Steward, Assistant Engineer, 1919. (22) Ullrich, C. J. Hearing of the Colorado River Commission, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 27 and 28, 1922. (23) Wldtsoe, John A. "The Production of Dry Matter with Different Quantities of Irrigation Water." Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 166, 1912. (24) --------- "The Yields of Crops with Different Quantities of Water." Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 117, 1912. S. T. Harding, Chairman, Committee of Irrigation Division on Duty of Water. |