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Show REPORT OF THE CIIIEF OF ENGINEERS. 297 That this can be done in connection with the prosecution of geographical surveys of the interior, with comparatively little increase of expense, is patent to me, and a plan looking to the initiation of such additional work can be submitted at any time ; should appropriations be sufficient, and authority granted, the same may be taken up during subsequent seasons. Appendix II. PRELIMINARY REPORT UPON TUB OPERATIONS OK PARTY NO. 3. CALIFORNIA SECTION, SKASON OK 187">-7P>, WITH A VIEW TO DETERMINE TUB FEASIBILITY OF DIVERTING TUN COLORADO RIVER FOR PURPOSES OK IRRIUATION, BY LIEUTENANT KRIC IlERti-UNI), CORPS OF ENGINEERS. Los Anoki.es, Cal., February 1,1876. Sir : I have the honor to submit the following preliminary report with regard to the operations of party No. 3, California section, Geographical Surveys West of the One hundredth Meridian, during the field season of 1875-76: DUTIES OK TIIK PARTY. The following extract from letter of instructions will explain the object and extent of the investigutious with which I was charged: "United States Knoinker Okfick, "Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian. " Sa* FramcUoo, C«l, June 10,1675. '• Sir : You am hereby assigned to the charge of a party specialty organized for the purpose of making a preliminary examination with a view to a further and more complete investigation an to the feasibility of the diversion of the Colorado River of the West from its present channel, for the purposes of irrigation. Your preseut survey will l»e confined to that portion of the river embraced between the foot of the Lower (iriuid Canon and the vicinity of the Needles, the results of prior examinations made by parties of the survey under my charge during the past few yearn having shown the impracticability of turning the river from its present course at a point near the continence of the (ireen and Grand, or between that point and the foot of the Grand Caftan, to direct its waters to portions of its western basin. The following route to and from the scene of your labors is suggested: From Los Angeles direct to Point of Rocks, in the Mohavo Valley, thence to station at Mack's Ranch, thence via Ivanpah to Cotton-wood Inland, on the Colorado. In returning, your line may leave the river near the Needles, running thence, to the lower end of Coahuila Valley along the line of least profile. A reconnaissance-line duly checked by-astronomical determinations ami leveled barometrically will be measured, and as much mountain topography adjacent to thin and other lines necessary to be traversed in the prosecution of your labor* as time and means will permit, should be gathered. |