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Show -17- Appendix B. General Land Office, February 18, 1861. Sir: I have the honor to return herewith the letter to you, dated February 16, 1861, from Hon. William Van-dever, of the Committee on the Public Lands of the House of Representatives, respecting proposed grant of lands to California, in the southeastern part of the State, to aid in the construction of canals, &c, for the purpose of introducing water thereon. ****** It is understood, however, that of the triangular three-millionth part contemplated by the memorial there is a considerable body of good arable land, stretching lengthwise, from the southeast to northwest, yet all requiring water, its destitution in that respect rendering the country generally unfit for settlement. The water project is designed, it is understood, to open the way for intercommunication through the country for all purposes, and it is through that means portions of the lands will be redeemed. I would, therefore, respectfully suggest that should Congress contemplate favorable legislation, it be conditioned that the Secretary of War be authorized to cause a survey and examination to be made as to the practicability of supplying water to this region as proposed, and as to the character of the soil, &c.; that, should it appear from such survey that the work is a feasible one, and that the tract in its present condition is uninhabitable and incapable of cultivation, power be conferred on the Secretary of War to make the grant absolute, with proper limits as to extent and condition as to completing the work within a limited period, to be stipulated by them; that the lands shall be subject to the disposal of the legislature of the |