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Show -17- Governor's Letter Office of the Governor State House Phoenix, Arizona April 22, 1954 Mr. Wesley Bolin Secretary of State State Capitol Building Phoenix, Arizona Dear Mr. Bolin: It is with the utmost reluctance that I transmit to you for filing, Senate Bill 135 of the Second Regular Session, Twenty-first Arizona Legislature, entitled "Relating to ground water; transferring the powers and duties of the underground water commission to the state land department; retaining previously declared critical groundwater areas, and making an appropriation." Having held this bill for 10 days (Sundays excepted) since the Legislature's adjournment, it now becomes law without my approval or signature, in accordance with Article 5, Section 7, of the Constitution. I could never sign such legislation as this, representing as it does, a sorry, weak, and confused ending to a two-year struggle for an adequate underground water code to protect our entire economy against the dangers of dwindling water supplies. It is unnecessary to be repetitious; all of the objections that were listed when I reluctantly signed a stop-gap measure, House Bill 367, apply in equal or even greater measure to the present woefully inadequate bill. |