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Show CALIFORNIA DEFENDANTS Exhibit No. 22 Admitted: July 25, 1956 Extract From The Forty-Second Annual Report of the Arizona State Land Commissioner, for the Period July 1, 1953 to and Including June 30, 1954 (pp. 13-19) Groundwater Division The Groundwater Division operated for the first nine months of the year under the Groundwater Act of 1945, the Groundwater Code of 1948, and Chapter 42, Session Laws of 1953, commonly known as Senate Bill 107. During the year 163 applications were received for deepening and replacement of wells within the critical areas. Of these, 154 were approved, seven were rejected, and two are still pending at the close of the fiscal year. Three hundred four (304) notices of intention to drill were received and filed, 265 well drillers' reports were received, and 89 wells were registered which had not been reported in accordance with the 1945 Act. Reports on installation of equipment and discharge records have been received from all wells completed within the restricted areas during the year. The majority of the well owners are very cooperative in furnishing the information required by the rules and regulations of the State Land Department. On March 31, 1954, the Legislature passed House Bill 367, Chapter 86, Twenty-first Legislature, Second Regular Session, which extended the drilling restrictions |