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Show 12 Tit_anium_ The titanium deposits of the Cebolla area are related to the intrusive rocks of the Iron Hill stock. In some of these rocks, notably a few varieties of pyroxenite, titanium occurs in substantial amounts. Some interest In these titaniferous deposits has been evidenced In recent years but because of the lack of an active local market for them in 1938 no value can be assigned to the titanium-bearing rocks as of the date established for this appraisal. Vanadium_In The area of vanadium mineralization on the; 5oal_Cre£k_ area_ J _ __. Coal Creek in Rio Blanco County is also known as the "Meeker area" or the "Radium Peak area." It is about 20 miles northeast of Meeker, the county seat of Rio Blanco County. Access is along a poorly maintained road that is closed by snow for several months during the winter, Vanadium mineralization is found along a faulted sandstone bed with dips of 30° to 40°. The vanadium minerals are carnotite and roscoelite, resembling the ore found in Southwestern Colorado. Surface exposures of the sandstone formation in which the vanadium occurs are poor, as much of the area is covered with soil that supports a thick growth of scrub oak. Indications are, however, that the area of mineralization is not extensive. The possible extent of vanadium-bearing sandstone on the subject lands Is |