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Show POWELL.] 8ALISHAN- 8A8TEAN FAMILIES 105 PRINCIPAL TRIBES- continued. Nisqualli. Nuksahk. Okinagan. Pend d'Oreilles. Pentlatc. Pisquow. Puyallup. Quaitso. Queniut. Queptlmamish. Sacumehu. Sahewamish. Salish. Samamish. Samish. Sanetch. Sans Puell. Satsop. Sawamish. Sekamish. Shomamish. Shooswap. Shotlemamish. Skagit. Skihwamish. Skitsuish. Skokomish. Skopamish. Sktehlmish. Smulkamish. Snohomish. Snoqualmi. Soke. Songish. Spokan. Squawmisht. Squaxon. Squonamish. Stehtsasamish. Stillacum. Sumass. Suquamish. Swinamish. Tait. Tillamook. Twana. Population.- The total Salish population of British Columbia is 12,325, inclusive of the Bellacoola, who number, with theHailtzuk, 2,500, and those in the list of unclassified, who number 8,522, distributed as follows: Under the Fraser River Agency, 4,986; Kamloops Agency, 2,579; Cowichan Agency, 1,852; Okanagan Agency, 942; Williams Lake Agency, 1,918; Kootenay Agency, 48. Most of the Salish in the United States are on reservations. They number about 5,500, including a dozen small tribes upon the Yakama Reservation, which have been consolidated with the Clickatat ( Sha-haptian) through intermarriage. The Salish of the United States are distributed as follows ( Indian Affairs Report, 1889, and U. S. Census Bulletin, 1890): Colville Agency, Washington, Cceur d' Alene, 422; Lower Spokane, 417; Lake, 303; Colville, 247; Okinagan, 374; Nespilem, 67; San Pueblo ( Sans Puell), 300; CaKspel, 200; Upper Spokane, 170. Puyallup Agency, Washington, Quaitso, 82; Quinaielt ( Queniut), 101; Humptulip, 19; Puyallup, 563; Chehalis, 135; Nisqually, 94; Squaxon, 60; Clallam, 351; Skokomish, 191; Oyhut, Hoquiam, Mon-tesano, and Satsup, 29. Tulalip Agency, Washington, Snohomish, 443; Madison, 144; Muckleshoot, 103; Swihomish, 227; Lummi, 295. Grande Ronde Agency, Oregon, Tillamook, 5. SASTEAN FAMILY. = Saste, Hale inU. S. Expl. Exp., vi, 218,569,1846. Gallatin in Trans. Am. Eth. Soc., n, pt. 1, c, 77,1848. Berghaus ( 1851), Physik. Atlas, map 17, 1852. Buschmann, Spuren der aztek. Sprache, 572, 1859. |