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Show ~25" MB ".‘tflfl-"i . *" THE \VAR. Nl‘HV-Jl'llifiliy CONVl'lN'l'lUN'. '1 l:li?\"1‘()!\', (N. J.) Aug. 10. ADDRESS 1:," [lie United Smrm. s-u{enl To UH: I'i‘.". Slit-llclieving it Would be pleasing; to you, sentiat this crisis, to be acrpnnntcd With the for were the result of the alleda‘ed searches n grow had war, of ships deserters from British sh llriti all to as first , nsion prete like into a seamen, British and next to all subjects; with the invariiblc practice of seizing in all all neutral seamen, of every nation, and on rs office sh llriti as n, seame such of our own interested in the abuse might please to de- ments and views ofyour constituents in every ub- mand. part ofthe Union, the (‘onvention oi l'tep of . The. blockading orders; in council. commencn lican Delegates from the several cou‘ities of y libert on the plctrof retaliating.)r injuries indithe ing take , ersey the State of New-j llritain, through thc'diaddressing: you on behalf of their constituents rectly done to (ireat rect operation of the French decrees against. and themselves. try the blessings of peace, and at the same the trade ofthe [7. States with her-and on a professed diaposition to proct t‘tl step by step with France in revoking; them, have been since bottomed on pretensions more and more time to maintain the honor and independence extended They have seen with approbation the long continued and often repeated efforts of the government ofthe. U. S. to preserve to the coun- took in the square sail and stay sail, and haul» ed by the wind; at the same time she tat ked At 54 A for us, tonnn<neinq a brisk fire. M. lost Klf.{ilt of ll(‘l'. ()n the 2ith of August, at half past 11H iidi an, saw a sail to the eastward standing; westr ward-made all new ssary sail in chase. A: half past 5 l'. ll. carried away the so tare sail boom-cut the wreck adrift, rigged out the lower steering" sail boom and set the square sail. Again coming up with the chase. At 6 l). M. being; within g-‘un shot she comment.ed ill'illg‘ from her stern trons. At 7 1'. ll. mine up with her and commenced an attion --‘at half past 7 the ship hoisted a light in her mizen rigging, which was answtrcd by a light from llN-~,\t the same time hailed her. hailed from Liverpool-whcn (fapt. Taylor Negociation has at length been openly avowed as indispensible to a repeal of ordered him to send his boat on board with abandoned as ltopeless-Resistance has been the orders as they affect the United States, commenced as the last resort. To retreat from the contest would indeed justly subject our government to the stigma of pusillanimi‘ty, and our people to the charge of a want of patriotism. ()i behalf of the lepublican citizens of this that the French decrees be repealed as tiny hrs papers, which he in part complied with, by senomg; his boit with an officer and two affect Great Britain directly, and all other To this neutrals, as well as the U. States. men, whom we (lt‘iull'ltiti, and issued orders to man the boat with our crtw, board the extraordinary avowal is supcradded abundant evidence, that the real object oftht orders is, not to restore freedom to American (om- merce with (ireat Britain, which could indeed be little interrupted by the decrees ofl"rance; ship and dci'nand her papers, which orders were delivered by Mr. 'l‘honias York, who of the. nation. state, and of ourselves, we, illCl‘L'ft'H't', sir, as- sure you, we are now as much in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war until our wrongs are redresscd and our rights resptetv ed, as we have heretofore been of the preser- vation of peace, while it could be maintained without a surrender of our rights and inte- rests. And we are fully of opinion, that the confidence of the friends of government in Newvlersey, will be increased rather than diminished, by the measures adopted by the ge- neral government for the support of our unquestionable and inalienable rights. Permit us, sir, to add, that your conduct, as well in your endeavors to preserve peace, as in your final recommendation of a resort to arms, meets with our most decided approbation. By order of the Convention. Bl‘iNJ. LUI)L()\V, Fresh/(72!. (limiter; CASSEDY, Srcrcmrzj. ANS\VER. \VAsnthTox, July 25. Slit-l have received the Address of -‘ The Convention of Republican Delegates from the several counties of the state of New-Jersey," explaining the sentiments entertained at this crisis, by that portion of my constituents. The sentiments are worthy the Character of citizens who know the value of the national rights at stake in the present contest,and who are willingr to do justice to the sincere and persevering efforts which have been employ- ed to obtain respect to them, without a resort to arms. The conduct of the nation against whom this resort has been proclaimed, left no choice but between that and the greater evil, of a surrender of our sovereignty on the element on which all nations have equal rights, and in the free use of which, the U. States, as a nation whose agriculture and commerce are so closely allied, have an essential interest. The appeal to force in opposition to force, so long continued against us, had become the more urgent, as every endeavor short of it had not only been fruitless but had been fol- but to destroy our lawful commerce as interfering with her own unlawful commerce, with her enemies. The only foundation of this ats tempt to banish the American ilagg from the highway of nations, or to render it wholly subservient to the Commercial views of the British government, is the absurd and exploded doctrine, that the. ocean not less than the land is susceptible of occupancy and dominion ; that this dominion is in the hands of Great Britain, and that her laws, not the law of nations, which is ours as well as hers, are to regulate our ~\ H rentninzn ruin In}? VII/I I. .'t BY 5. l\'()')l)'.' As. 47.; /'« r M .‘lt/I/I‘I‘xs' (rhr‘r 'lli in. t. received for answer, that .mr/r err/rm tron/Vi nor {m (om/11ml curt/1. At the same time hand- ilei'd l must brr a.. l‘Ilallletl sided l: ; ol', it r ed him a note addressed to Capt. 'J‘. pur- porting: that his ship was a llritish letter of mat-(pie, (‘tlllt'tl the May, from llixerpool, bound to St. Lucia, commanded by \Villiain from the could : Aflltt k, mounting ll gums, and .'r'r' invn. llr: also stated that the orders in countii had lit-en rescinded and a change of ministry taken place in lingland; \vhnh note was handed Capt. '1‘. when the boat has again sent or board, with a note from (‘zzpr Ta} lrir. demand- \t half pa" his papers, fir/H'c/z ‘Il‘t'i'z' l'n/ibwtf. s o'clo( k a brisk tiring commenced on both sides, (luringr which time \Villiam (Ii-aft, sail» maker, was wounded. At 1*: l'. M. dropped nnnt be 1."Il.'iii'l'll..l'_ int: uni," , new. r of norm; to illlll Hi. th, h‘, sr‘o‘ra : r' At day-light ranged up under htr stern: and commenced a severe action, when We an exclusive sovereignty within their territo- rial limits. The one is as essential as the o- ther to their character as an independent na- shattered the wooden ends, started the plan], enormous in their amount, and indefinite in their duration; and which are avowed and justilied on principles degrading the U. S. from the rank of sovereign and independent powers. In attaining this high rank and the in- estimable blessings attached to it, no part of the American people had a more meritorious share than the people of New-Jersey. l"rom none, therefore, may more reasonably be expected, a patriotic zeal in maintainiir4;~ by the sword, the umpiestionablc and inalienable rights, acquired by it; and which it is found, Can no otherwise be maintained. JAMES MADISON. I A inst. Ltnrow, i‘lsrj. I'I‘I',s'i(/r'/lr', Cir. _....- NAVAI. l‘lN(l.\(ilC."~llCN'l‘. [detract from I/Ir‘ I.o,1;ul's'urr/r o/‘l/u- Privateer .w/wo/zt'r Slim/luv. '(ln the .‘Td of Aingust, at halfpast meridian, ir'. 1' ilir- I' '.," earth, they asstnned and established a Conn mon sovereignty on the hig-b seas, as well as Casual and limited injuries; they can never submit to wrongs irreparable in their kind, ii r}! s," , ‘, 2': hn. the raw, tion. However conceding they may have been, on controvertible points; or fol-bearing under 1.: r 2K, .1 r, rant iit'lot't ‘hr: .1er ' L'\t;‘ lln‘s'fii is: fire; weather stpially and dark. astcrn with an intention of laying by all might ‘ " 1, mn- n-t. ‘.r .~ within gun shot; at intervals kept up a brisl. . :. . The chart: .f v ,i, la.‘ 4 ‘L ,‘liltn \Mn) \Vhen the United States assumed and established their rank among the nations of the world. rest of the I_\' )IIXORI'I‘Y recent-4L ' \\h'_vh_;s.tt1.«_ .‘rlllllilt‘ in .ts : .md sq m. maritime intercourse with the _1/ living-,-V /,, ‘1? SJ [21'7‘ She arbitrary; till at length it is and THE \\ : i ‘t 'nl‘. rii ‘n in an‘. \lrr. l t.r tr, « " l-‘r- l" hr no; _r .r a ._. received a shot on our starboard bow, which shear, and broke several timbers-_.Xt half past 7, A. M. another in our larhoard hon. innit. , tnl‘tl 1‘: r struck the larboard after gun carriage, killed Daniel (Ioleman, James Mahail‘y, \Villian: Sharp, John North, George (motley, Shep herd liulsford, and wounded Timothy ('ale, Chit Uli‘. Francis Martin and \‘v'illiam l'omro}. .r\t half past ti. A. M. our commander received a ball in his left temple, which instantlv ten minatcd his existence, to the. inexprrssible regret of all hands. About the same. time a shot struck under the larboard fore chains, between wind and water, which cadstd the vessel to make much water, ll'tt\lllt:; found three feet water in the hold upon soundin"; j . [HIV/TU. --.- ()fthe four presidents that have tgjovtrin'd the United States, three are yet alive. ls it (it'i‘kll n ;. .. w. lnoilien: t‘i‘i. 1"t on in [f l1""Ji‘lLeutelt-tww no rin .ln'dl ] -‘ I rm,1 , it‘i J i, ‘ o‘hr‘ial dm dun. tnrizij oi the" \_.. \ no... 3, m h ,. ' 4 t ii ,. . intrr, not a very remarkable fact, that ail these dis tinouished men ajjrt t‘ in :mntiment, that the present war with lingland wt.» inevitable, ullti ought to be maintained as the last strong fold of our liberties, our coiiniitrce, our sovereieh ty, our republieanisnif discovered a sail, called all hands to quarters lowed by fret-IL usurpations and oppressions. and made all necessary sail in chase. At S. Headroom/1 U' ('0. ['i‘l)I{/'l‘.\, The intolerable outrases committed against half past .3 l'. M. came up with the chase and 4 , the crews of our vessels, which at one time * perceived that she. was a llritish man of war; . -\ 1. ~47" ['r'fll‘l».«.-!r('/'/, [51].; Altffift'lltffzr"-..,'."r' " ‘/ ilttl I" n y ‘in .r .,1 1‘1"", l1" ")iLlL [)i'irjir n\ Lt I .. . i t. a. sit-Lo \, . ‘ ,, , f. ' |