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Show Plflogo OF A CHRISTIAN Cbt‘f.43. Now for the part which is Allegoricall , as T/Mt tlyc fire [1,411 try awry mam work, and that They find! he fizvea',éut fo 4: by fire, or t/mm 11 fire, (for the originall [5 Ju‘ 7.115%?) it malteth nothing againfi tiis conclufion which I have drawn tromthe other words, that are plain. Neverthelefle, becaufe upon this place there hath been an argument taken, to prove the fire or Purgatory, Iavrll alfo here offer you my conjecture concerning the me‘dnlng or this triallofDoétrines, and faving of men as by Fire. The Apofile here feemeth to allude to the words or tllC.Pl'Opll-CC Zachary, Ch. I 3. 8, 9. who {peaking ofthe Reflauration or the Kingdome or God, faith thus, Twe part: therein/ball be wt of, and die, la: the third [ha/[be lefttbrrem; And I will bring the thirdpart through tlzc Fire, Kind willirefim them A: Silver is refined, and null try them a: Gold" tryed; they [ball call on 1/16 mm oftlyc Lard, mz‘dlitiillfzmr 11mm. The day-of Judgment, is the day of the Reftauration of the Kinedome ofGod, and at that day it is, that be. Peter tells us 2 r"'3‘"-7= " {hall be the Conflagration of the world , wherein the melted ""2' lhall perilh, but the remnant which God Wllllfu'c,‘ fliall paflc through that Fire, unhurt, and be therein (as SilverandGold are refined by the fire from their drolle) tryed, and rehnedlrom their in Repentance, and allthe Faith required tothe fame, is comprehen- Sigfixéj fiw tied in the beleefof this ArticleJe/w 1: fl): Clm/l, I.will further al,,5,,1v,,,;;n, ledge thofe places ofthe Golpell,that prove,that all that is Neceflary to Salvation is contained in both thefe joined together. The men to whom St. Peter preached on the day of Pentecolt, next after the Afcenlion of our Saviour, asked him, and the rel't of the Apoflles, faying, ( 14512.37.) Men and Brethren w/mtjha/l we due 5' To whom 5t. Peter anfwered ( in the next verfe) Repeat, and he Btzptizjd every one effort, fer the raw/{jinn afflm, andyeflml/ receive tljegift oft/16 Ila/y G/Iafl. Therefore Repentance, and Baptifine, that is, belceving that jefm 15 the C/mjfasallthat is Neceflai‘y tOrSalvation. Again, our Saviour being asked by a certain Ruler, (Luke 18. 18.) W/ML flu/l I ride to Iii/MUM airmail/1ft? Anl'wered (vetfe 20.) Tim; (mm- prnmmc j-are all that lS-NeCCilLIl‘}r'l0lliC eternall.Andt MJ/L' ,I'IS‘) our ‘;1\'i0llr preached, laying, 7 he in»: u fulfnlm', mull/1: Ktflgr/am the refi ofHoly Scripture, or any glimple ot the tire 0t l'iirga- tory. ‘ .. In nl‘d' lf'll'? But a man may here aske, whether It, bee not as necelitlr}~ to 0/: Cor/uni! Ilkmtl, Repent and [Sc/emit the h't'Jflgl/t', that is , the (iood new. that IllC'Cllrlll‘\\'LlS come. lhcrelorc to llepcnt, and to Beleeve that jciiis is the (,l'll‘lll', . is all that IS required to balva- other Articles Salvation, to belceve, that God is Omnipotent, (.tlktitkfl' or the "‘f'} M ""6 world- thatJCfiIS Chrifl is tilting and that all men the ihill rife Midi") againh'om the dead atthe Lift day, as to beleeve,thatjc/min/z: Clm/I‘. To which IaanCI‘, they are; and lo are many more Arti- ‘ Now that Ihave (item, that all the Obedience required to Sal- 7"" F41", vation,confif'teth in the willto obey the Law ofGod, that is to fay, "'MUl‘f‘l'SW fall Fire,andlive eternally, to call upon the name of the true and onely God. In which {enfe there is nOthing thataccordeth not with {tore the Kingdome of God in Ifrael) lliall try every mans doctrine, -154" Vt, an. , \Vood, Hay, by judging, \i‘hich are Gold, Silver, Pretious Stones, StubblegAnd then they that have built fali‘e Conlequences out 6 true Foundation,1lialllee their Doctrines condemned, ne'vcrtiieleiie they themfelves {hall be faved,and pafle unhiirtthrough tins univer‘ Alluding whereto St. Paul here laith, That Me Day ( that is,thc Day of] udgment,the Great Day of our Savrours comining tore- Hiram {ufl‘icient faith to obtaine remiflion of. finnes to the Penitent, and confequently to bring them into the Kingdome of Hea- efl the (Tmnxi/idememy, Do: not rommit Adultery, Doc 71!" 1\'///, Due m)! Sim], Dc: 77016037 fill/é manage, Honor thy flit/1n, and my Mot/w: which when he laid he had olaleri'etl , our Saviour added, Sella/1' l/Jcl/ [by , git: I! to 1/}: Poor, .ma'rome aii‘dfizllmv me :which "as as much as to lay, Relye on me that am the King: Thetef oreto fulfill the Luv, and to beleevcrhatjei‘us is the King , is all that is. required to bring a man to cternall life. Thirdly, St. Paul ,lflaith ( Rom. 1'. i7.) 'T/JL' J11]? flit-1! [ms/2y Fir/M; not every one, but the Jnfl; lKl'CiOl't.‘ Fair/i and _[z:[}.i.~e(tli.it is,the cpl/m "Pl/7, 01.1w Idolatry, and be made to call upon the name, of the true 'God. f -_- _ I rmg. . COMMON-WEALTH. Clup.43. therefore it holdethftill good, that the beleef of this one Article is cles : but they are fuch,as are contained i-nthis one,and may be deduCed from it, with more, or lelle difficulty. Forwho is there that does not lee, that they whobeleevc jel‘us to be the Son 0: the (10d of Il'rael, and that the liraelites had for God the Omnipotent Creator ofallthings, doe therein allb beleeve, that (50d is the Omnipotent Creator of all thingse Or how cana man beleeve, that lei'us is the King that ihall reign eternally, unlefle lice beleevc him hali'o rilen aaaih from the dead? Foradeadman cannot exer- cife the Oflice otva King. Inlumiiie, he that holdeth this Founda‘lUni Jefu: it 1/76 c‘IJri/i,lioldetli Expteilely' all that hee teeth tightly dediited fromit, and lmplicnely all that is conieguenttheteunto, though hehave not shillenough to diftei'n Lllc conlequeiice. And theieloie tion. _ p ‘ . ~ , . . Seeing: then it is Necellarythat liilltllfintlOl)t:(l1(‘ilt‘c( implyeel in Win-it ml; of the word Repentance )do both concurre EUULH‘ Salvation, the qiiefii~ "It"! Wmon by whichol thetim we are jiifiilied, is impertinently dil‘puted. 1'""""'""'""‘ Netcrtlicltllc, it Wlll not be impertinent, tomakc manitelt in what {0‘ mannti tachortlzi-m contributesthereunto; andin what lenfeit is (aid,that we are to bejultitied by the one, and by the Other. And fitfl, itiby Righteoiifneilebe tinderl‘tood thejulta‘e of the Works thtmlelves, there IS noitianthat can be {ave-d; lbrthercis none-that hath not tranlgrcll‘ed the Law ol‘God. And therefore when wee are ' {aid to bejultitied bi: \K'oilts, itisto be tinder-flood of the Will, which God dorh alwiies accept for the VVorlt it lelte , as well in good, as in evill men. And in this {ml-e onely it is, that a man is cali'Jxl- 11!,1}:01 l'njujf, and that his jul‘tice juitihes him, that is, gives him the tlIlC, in Gods acceptation, ofjujf; and renders him ca iablc of firm; by bu Fan/2, which before he was not. 50 that juitice Julliv'[t 3 he" |