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Show 1901.] MOTHER-OF-PEARL OYSTERS. 375 The Fiji shell of the trade, from Eiji, is also nearest to the Australian and N e w Guinea varieties. I have not seen a sufficiently large series of examples from Rotuma and the Line Islands to be able to say if shells from these localities are distinct varieties. I am inclined to think that, like the Fiji shell, they will prove to he nearest to the Australian form, but leading towards var. cumingii Reeve. The Black-edged Banda shell of the trade, to which form I believe Linnaeus's type belongs, occurs throughout the Malay Archipelago. It is more smoky and less lustrous than the Australian shell, but the differences are slight. China (31. sinensis Leach, ? var. dist.); Andaman Islands (sp. in B. Museum approximating to var. zanzibarensis); Ceylon (occasionally found in Gulf of Manaar and Palk Straits); Maldive Islands (Mr. Stanley Gardiner informs me that it is fished by natives in Addu Atoll and occurs elsewhere throughout the archipelago). Var. b. M. margaritifera zanzibarensis, n. var. Type B.M. No. 1901.2.28.30; Zanzibar, A. van Noorden, Esq. " Zanzibar shell " and " Madagascar shell " of the trade. Ground-colour reddish grey, rufous tints prevailing. Radial rows of spots cloudy reddish yellow, rather indistinct. Margin of the nacre copper-coloured ; the cupreous tint often pervading the nacre throughout. Form and size as in M. m. typica. Geographical Distribution. Zanzibar, Madagascar and E. coast of tropical Africa ; Amirante Islands (B.M.); Bazaruto Is. (B.M.); Mauritius (B.M.); Rodriguez (B.M., approaching to var. ergthrce-ensis); Seychelles (B.M., pres. Sir A. Gordon : too young to refer definitely to any variety). Var. c. M. margaritifera persica, n. var. Type B.M. No." 1901.2.28.23; Persian Gulf, pres. A. van ISoorden, Esq. The " Bombay shell" of the trade ; so called because largely shipped via Bombay from Persian Gulf. The posterior margin of the nacre forms a right angle with the hinge, as in M. maxima. Colour greyish or greenish brown, lighter than in typica, with radial bands of yellowish white. Inside of lip light brown ; margin of nacre brassy yellow or golden. The nacre lacks the somewhat steely sheen characteristic of the species, being whiter, often with a slight roseate tint, and approaching in lustre to that of Margaritifera maxima. Size as in M. m. typica. Geographical Distribution. Persian Gulf, largely fished in the neighbourhood of the Island of Bahrein. There is an example in the°British Museum from A d a m Bank, near Gettar, Persian Gulf. Var. d. M. margaritifera erythrceensis, n. var. Type B.M. No. 1901.2.28.24; Red Sea, pres. A. van Noorden, Esq. Savigny, 1811, pi. 11. fig. 7. The " Egyptian shell" of the trade. Approximating to var. persica in form and colour, but less |