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Show 312 PROF. D'ARCY W. THOMPSON ON THE [Apr. 2, it runs in three somewhat widely separate feather-rows downwards outside the line of the hyoid cornua. It is separated from its fellow of the other side, firstly, by an elongated oval apterion (text-fig. 78, fr.apt.) extending as far back as the middle of the Text-fig. 77. LoR.Tpt.. r-R.TR.^ _/> CERV.RPr. Pterylosis of Patagona gigax, side view, reduced. fr.tr., frontal tract; lor.tr., loral do.; ram.tr., ramal do.; lat.tr., lateral do.; lat.cerv.tr., lateral cervical do. ; pxerv.apt., posterior cervical apterion; scap.apt., scapular do.; lat.thor.apt., lateral thoracic do. ; hyp., hypo-pteron; ax.", ' second row' of asillaries. orbit and directly continuous with the posterior extension of the horny beak, and secondly by a small triangular space on the top of the head (text-fig. 78, occip.apt.), corresponding to the vertex of the triangle between the long hyoid cornua. Between these two |