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Show Table 2. Small Area Boundary Designations Area Boundary Designation 1 Rrisham Citv 2 Other Rox Elder Co 3 I .osan 4 Other Cache/Rich Co 5 Ren T .omond 6 Morgan/Fast Weher Co. 7 Downtown Osden 8 South Ogden 9 Rov/Hooner lORiverdale 11 Clearfteld/Hill AFR 12 I .avton 13 Svracuse/Kavsville 14 Farminerton/Cenferville 15 Woods Cross/No SI. 16 Ronntifiil 17 Rose Park 18 Avenues 19Foothill/UofIJ 20 Magna 21 Cilendale 22 West Vallev I 23 West Vallev II 24 Downtown Salt T .ake 25 South Salt Lake 26 Millcreek 27 Holladav 28 Cottonwood 29 K earns 30 Tavlorsville 31 Murrav 32 Midvale 33 West Jordan No 34 W. Jordan. Connerton 35 South Jordan 36 Sandv Center 37 Sandv. NF. 38 Sandv. SF. 39 Riverton/Draner 40 Tooele Co. 41 I .ehi/Cedar Vallev 42 American Fork/Alnine 43 Pleasant Grove/I .indon 44 North Orem 45 West Orem 46 Fast Orem 47Provo/RYU 48 Provo South 49 Snringville/Snanish Fork 50 Utah Co. South 51 Summit Co. 52 Wasatch Co. 53 Tri-counrv I ,HD 54 Juah/Millard/Sannete Co. 55 Sevier/Piute/Wavne Co 56 Carhon/F.merv Co 57 Grand/San Juan Co. 58 St. Georse 59 Other Washington Co. 60 Cedar Citv 61 Other Southwest Dist. ZIP code 84302 Rox F.lder Coiintv other than ZIP code 84302 ZIP codes 84321. 84322. 84341. 84332 Cache & Rich Counties other than ZIP codes 84.321. 84322. 84341. 84332 ZIP codes 84404. 84407. 84412 ZIP codes 84310 84317. 84414. 84050 or Morgan Counrv ZIP codes 84401. 84402 ZIP code 84403 ZTP codes 84067. 84315 ZIP codes 84405. 84409 ZIP codes 84015. 84016. 84056 ZTP codes 84040. 84041 ZIP codes 84037. 84075 ZIP codes 84025. 84014 ZIP codes 84087. 84054 ZIP codes 84010. 84011 ZIP code 84116 ZIP codes 84103. 84114 ZTP codes 84108. 84112 84113 ZTP code 84044 ZTP codes 84104. 84101. 84110. 84152 ZTP codes 84128. 84120. 84170 ZTP codes 84119. 84199 ZIP codes 84111. 84102. 84105 ZTP codes 84115. 84165 ZIP codes 84106. 84151. 84109 ZIP codes 84124. 84117 ZIP code 84121 ZIP code 84118 ZIP code 84123 ZIP codes 84107. 84157 ZIP code 84047 ZIP code 84084 ZTP codes 84088. 84006 ZTP code 84095 ZTP codes 84070. 84091. 84094 ZTP codes 84093 94090 ZTP code 84092 ZIP codes 84065. 84020 Tooele Conntv ZTP codes 84043. 84013 ZTP codes 84004. 84003 ZTP codes 84062. 84042 ZIP codes 84057. 84059 ZTP code 84058 ZTP code 84097 ZTP codes 84602. 84604 ZTP codes 84601. 8460.3. 84605. 84606 ZTP codes 84660. 84663. 84664. 84653 ZTP codes 84651. 84655. 84626. 8463.3 Summit Counrv Wasatch Counrv Daseett. Duchesne and I lintah Counties .Tuah. Millard. and Sannete Counties Piute. Sevier. and Wavne Counties Carbon and F.merv Counties Grand and San Juan Counties ZTP codes 84770. 84771. 84790 Washington Counrv other than ZIP codes 84770 84771. 84790 ZIP code 84720 Beaver, Garfield, Iron, and Kane Counties other than ZIP code 84720 30 |