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Show REPORT OF THE COMMIE1SIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 43 RAILROADS ACROSS RESERVATIONS. GRILNTS SINCE LAST ANNUAL REPORT. Since the date of the last annual report Congress has granted rail-road companies rights of way across Indian reservations as follows: Indian and Oklahoms, Territories.-Arkansas and Cl~octawR ailway.- By act of Congress of February 24,1896 (29 Stat. L., p. 13, and page 415 of this report), this company was granted right of way through the Choctaw Nation, lndian Territory, beginning at the point on the boundary line between the said Choctaw Nation and the county of Little River, in the State of Arkansas, where the said railway may run, when constructed in the State of Arkansas, thence running, by the most feasible aud practicable route in a northwesterly direction through the said Choctaw Nation to such point at or near the town of Atoka, in said nation, as said corporation may select, with the right to construct, use, and maintain such tracks, turn.onts, and sidings as aaicl company may deem it to its interest to coust,ruct along and upon tlie right of may and depot grour~dsth erein provided for. No mmaps of definite locatioll of the line of road have yet been filed for appro~al. Fort 8rnitIh and Western Coal Railroad.-By sot of Congress of March 2, 1896 (29 Stat. L., p. 40, and p. 421 of this report), this com-pany mas granted right of way through the Indian Territory, beginning a t a point. to be selected by saidcompany on the western bou~idaryli ne of the Stateof Arkansas, at or near the city of Fort Smith, Sebastiau County, and running thence by the most practicableronte through that part of the Indian Territory occupied by and known as the Choctaw Nation, in a southwesterly direction througl~th e counties of Rcullyville, Sans Bois, Gains, and Tobncksy, to a point on the Missonri, Kansas and Texas Railway, in said Choctaw Nation, between M~Alestera nd South Canadian, with a switch from a point on said line to form a con-nection wit11 the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway at a point on that railroad, to bc loaated between Cedars Station and the Backbone Tuu-nel, and with the right to build in the line of said railroad a bridge across the Poteau River, whose plan of construction shall be first approved by the Secretary of War. NO 1na118 of definite location of the line of road have been approved. St. Louis and Oklaho~~C~itay Railroad.-By act of Congress of March 18,1890, which became a lam on that date withont the approval of the President (29 Stat. L., p. Go, and page 424 of this report), this corn. pa.11w~ as granted right of way througl~th e Indian Territory aud the Territory of Oklahoma, beginning at a point to be selected by said rail-way coil11)auy a.t or near Sapulpa, in the iudian Territory, and running throng11 the said Territory and the Territory of Oklahoma by way of Chandler and Oklahoma City to a point on Red ltiver st or near the west line of the Kiowa and Comanohe Iteservation, with the right to construct, use, and maintain such tracks, turn-outs, and sidings as said |