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Show REPORT OF THE COMMIS6IONER OF MDIAN OFAIRS. 87 stated that in view of the condition of affairs on both of them no action could then be suggested lookiug to obtaining land there for the Iomas. Siice theu the status of affairs on these two reservations has not changed, and nothing can be recommended at present in the matter of securiug land for the Iowa Indians. NEW YORE INDIANS. Nothing of special importauce in connection with the New York Indians has recently occurred. What has been termed the LLNew York Iudian problem 7' has been given careful thought by -ny friends of the Indians, aud the best opinions seem to agree that the United States Governmeut should first take action to extinguish the elaim of the Ogden Laud Company to the lauds of the Senecas and to a portion of the Tuscarora Reservation; that the lands of the several reservations should then be allotted in severalty with suitable restrictions as to alienation; that all existing State laws relating to the Indians should be repealed, except those probibiting the sale of liquors to them and intrusion upon their lands, and that the laws of the State should be extended over them in such manner as to absorb thew into the body politic. Action has aIready been taken by Congress looking to the extin-guishment of the claim of the Ogden Land Oonipany by the following clanse in the Indian appropriation act for the fiscal year ending June 30,1896 (28 Stat. L., 887). That t.he Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to negotiate ' wit11 the Ogdelen Land Compmy for the purchase of the interests said compsny may possesa,if noy, in the Ci%ttaraugusm id Allegany Indian reservatiolls in the State of Now York. He is also authorized to negotiate with the said Indians, under such rules and ra-e ulations ns he mev orescribe. os to the term8 "Don which the asid Indims %.ill " A oonaent to tho United Stat,cs purcllasing the interest of said company in said reser-ration8, if such interest is found to exist, and the Secretary of the Interior shall make a fill1 report to Congress of hi^ procredinge under this provision. Mr. Philip 0. Garrett, of Philadelphia, was appointed as commissioner to proceed with the negotiations, and he was so instructed by letter of September 3,1896. A11 item in the Indian appropriation act for the current fiscal year directs that the Department prepare and submit to Congress a detailed statement of all leases of lauds in the Allegany Reservation made by tile Seneca Nation to persons or corporations, giving an itemized state. merit of every lease now in existence, with the date and terms of each lease and the amount due on each. Many leases, estimated to number 3,000 or more, were made mithin the six t o ~ nosr. villages of the Al e . gany Reservation under the acts of Congress approved February 19, 1875 (18 Stat. L., 330), and September 30,1890 (26 Stat. L., 558). Agent Jewel1 was directed July 3 last to make the investigation aud furnish the information called for. |