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Show REPORT O F THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 53 12. That all traders or other neraons aunolvinethe Indians with modsfor the 1 - A " - logging he required to furnish e price list, a statement of their aooounts with the Indians, end whenever so required, an itemized statement of goods furnished. 13. That the agent may give the contractor a statement showing the amount then dae, and the smonnt (50 per cent) rasorved for labor; provided, that it is expressly stated that neither the ~oi e rnrnennto r the agent guar&teas any part of the indebt- adnase that the logger may inoilr. 14. That uo log8 are to be scaled unless properly landed and marked, and land ings and rollwaya ovared before log8 are landed. Acting under this authority, the Menornonee Indians, under the I direction of Agent Savage, cut and banked 9,417,000 feet of logs on the Wolf River and tributaries and 7,683,000 feet on the South Branch of the Ocontn River, and on February 13,1896, he was authorized to advertise the logs for sale, which he did by publishing the following advertisement, viz: I POR SALE-DNOMONEE IXDIAN SAW LOGS. For sale, seventeen million feet (more or less), sccording to the soaleof the Government sdera, of pinine saw loga banked during the winter of 1895 and 1886, by the Menornonee Indians as followa: On Wolf River and tributnries, 9,4lT,WO feet; on South Branch of Ooonto River, 7,583,WO feet. Separate bids will be far the Logs banked on eaah river. The log8 have all been scaled by competent and smrn scdars, gnd om easily be testad aa M socnrsoy. SEALED PB(1P09ALS Endorsed onthe envelope aontsining the proposals, "Bids for Medenomone% logs." and addressed to the ondaraigned at Keabena. Wisconsin, will be received nntil 1 o'olook p. m. Tuesday. M.rolt10,1896, at which time all bids will he opened i& the preaence of the bidders at the offim of the Green Bay Agenog, Iceahen4 Wiacondn, and the sale of said logs awarded to thehighest and best bidder, aob-jeot, however, to the nppmval of the Hon. Seoreta~of the Interior and the Eon. Commissionsrof Indian AEaira. who rsaerve the right to reject my and all hid8 as they deem for the best interest of thelndians. Eaah bid to reaeive consideration most be scornpanid by s oerti8ed cheok npon some solvent national bmk for 5 ller cent of the aggregate amoont of the bid, payable to the order of theCom-missioner of I~d i a nA ffaire. Cheoks of onsoooeasfol bidders will be returned to them, bot checks asuoosesful bidder8 who fail to -ply with the reqniramsnt of the Department in the purohase or payment for logs bid in will be forfeited to the Reasurg of the United States nnd the logs aold again. Theuroney in payment for said logs must be deposited in the Wrst Nstionnl Bonk of Milwaukee, Wiswnsln, to the credit of the Treasorer of the United States, within ten days after the spproml of the sale, and tripiiaate reoeipta of deposit delivered to the undersigned. Any further information in regard to the logs or sale of the same can be obtained of the uladersignd. Gmn Bay Inndim Agenay, Kshsna, Wieoonsin. Feb. 18th. 1896. TEoa. H. Sav~ss, 0. 6. Indian Agent. March 10,1896, Agent Savage submitted an abstract of bids received, as follows: Name of bidder. 1 P k e of delivery ton rivers whera banked). / Quantitg. i Rate. -1- oDid not bid on Wolf River Logs. bDid not bid an Sonth manoh of Ooonto River logs. |