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Show 1 94 REPORT OF THE COXMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. ~ Under a similar c1ause.i~th e %t of March 2,1895 (28 Stat. L., 876), 2,560 acres of land were purchased iu March, 1896, of the Plant Invest-i meut Company, for the sum of $1,552, being section 25 in township 47 south, of range 32 east, and sections 23,25, and 35 in township 48 south, range 32 east; and in April, from the Florida Southern Railroad, there were purchased 1,920 acres, for the sum of $1,216, being sections 12 and 24 in township 48 south, of range 33 east, and section 36 in township 48 south, of range 32 east, making a total of 5,760 acres, at a total cost of $4,048. A similar clause is contained in the Indian appropriation act for the ourrent year (29 Stat. L., 321). LOWER BRULG SIOUX RETURWED TO ROSEBUD RESER-VATION. The Indian appropriation got approved June 10,1896, contains the following clauses relative to the Lower Brul4 Sioux who were located south of Wbite Riveryon the Rosebud Reservation, 5. Dak., prior to July 3, 1890: That the Lower Brnle Iodide who were living onthe Rosebud Reservation, in South Dakota, south of White River, prior to thc third day of July, eighteen hun-dred and ninety, sre hereby allowed to return and select the allotments of land oac~~pibeyd them prior to July third, eighteen hondred and ninety; and said lands . shall h surveyed and patented to said Indians under the provisions of the acts of Congress in relation to the allotment of lands in severalty to Indisns. That #soh of the Lower Brul6 Indians as desire to do so may taka allotments of land on the Rosebud Indian Reservation, aouthof White River, in South Dakota,the same as they might have done prior to March -, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine; and the Secretary of th8 Interior is hereby directed to pay to the Rosebud Indians the sum of one dollar per acre for all lands so taken and allotted, and the money to make ~ u c hpa yment is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and charged against my funds belonging to said Lower Brn16 Indians now in the Treasury of the United Statea. Special Indian Agent Oglesby was instructed August 22,1896, to go to the Lower Brul6 Reservation and ascertain the number of Lower Brul6s who have already gone to Rosebud and those, if any, who are likely to go, and then to proceed to the Rosebud Reservation, call a council of the Indians of that reservation, and explain the whole matter to them, and to find out where the Lower Brul6s had settled or would be likely to settle on the Rosebud Reserve. He bas reported that 550 Lower Brules have gone to Rosebud. The provisions of the act will be carried out as soon as practioable. SOUTHERN UTES IN COLORADO. It was stated in my last annual report that the commission which was appointed under the provisions of the act of Congress approved February 20,1895 (28 Stat. L., 677), was engaged in allotting lands in severalty to such members of the Southern Ute tribe as had elected to |