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Show cash consideration ranges from 25 cent8 per acre per annnm for graz-ing lauds to $3 per acre for the best farming lands. In some of the leases the consideration is one-third of the crops raised. . Most of the leases call for the erection of certain improvements in addition to the money consideration, while in others the consideration is limited to improvements only. Seven farming and graziug leaves have been executed by the Eastern Shawnees, 4 by the Modocs, 13 by the Ottawas, 10 by the Senecas, and 5 by the Wyaudottes, upon which no wtion has been taken. Sac and 30s Agenoy, Ohla.-While a few legal leases had been entered into at this agency prior to the present year, much of the land of the dlottees was held under illegal and unauthorized leases. In many of these illegal leases the consideration was grossly unjust, and so much complaint had been received from the allottees that it was determined to break them up. For this purpose aninspector of the Depart.ment was ~ e n tto the agency during the fall of 1895 to cooperate with the agent. December 14,1895, a special agent of this office was sent to the agency to complete the work of breaking up the illegal system of leasing, and to lease the lands under the rules and regulations of the Department. Shortly after arriving at the agency the special agent removed his headquarters to Shawnee. Much opposition was met with at first, but finally, about March 1, 1896, most of the illegal lessees consented to abandon their illegal leases and to enter into legal ones. Thia they were permitted to do in all proper cases. As a reeult of his efforts the special agent has entered into leases as follows: Thirteen farming and grazing leases of the Iowas; 60 farming and grazing leases, 4 residence leases, and 10 busi-ness leases of the Sac and Fox; 24 farming and grazing leases of the Kickapoos; 117 farming and grazing leases of the Absentee Shawnees, and 120 farming and grazing leases of the Pottawatomies. The length of term ranges from one to five years for farming and grazing leases, one, two, aud three years for residence leases, and one, two; and five years for business leases. Tbe cash consideration ranges from 25 cents for grazing lands to $2.50 for the best farming lauds, though the prevailing price for average fssming land is $1 per acre. The consideration in most of the leases includes some improvements in addition to cash pilymeuts. The 'average consideration for residence leases is $10 per annum for 50 by 150 square feet. The average consid-eration for business leases is about the same as for residence purposes. Six farming and graziug leases have been executed by the Eicka-poos, 5 by the Sac and Fox, 24 by the Absentee Shawnees, and 8 by the Pottawatomies, upon which no action has been taken. 8antee Agency, Nebr.-One farming lease of 160 acres for a term of five years. The consideration is 37h cents per acre per annum. One farming and grazing lease has been exeouted, upon which no action has been taken. |