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Show iive due force and offoot to the roll4 usages, and customs of each of said nations or" tril~es: And prouided,firrthel; That the rolls of citizenship of the several tribes as now existing are harehy confirmed, and any 1,erson who shsll claim to be entitled to be added to said roll8 as a citizen of either of said tribos, ant1 whose right thereto haseither beon denied or not noted upon, or any oitizen who ma,y within three months from and after the passage of this act desire such citizenship, may apply to the ' legally constituted colirt or committee designated by tho several tribes for snoh citizenship, rind such court or oommittee shall determine auch application mithiu thirty" da"y s from tho dnto thereof. 111 the performmceof such duties said commission shall have powor an4 antl~ority to administer oaths, to issue Droeess for and oomnel the attendance of wit,ncsses. aud to send for persous and papers and all depositions and affidavits and othcr cvl<lenee in any form whatsoever heretofore taken where the witnesses giving snid testimony are dead or now residinx beyond the limits of said Territory-,. and to "so every fair and reasonable means within their renoh for the pnrpose of determining the ri&ts of persons olaiming such citizenship or to protect my of snid nations from fraud or nrong; and the rolls aa prepared by them shall be hereafter held and coosidered to bb tho true andcorrectrolls of persons entitled to the rights of citizenship in said sev-eral tribes: Pvmided, That if the tribe or ;my person be aggrieved with the decision of tho tribal authorities or the commigaion provided for in this not, it or he may appeal from such deaision to the United States district ooort: Provided, kotcreuel., Thet the appoal shall be taken nithin sixty days, and tho judgment of the court shall be find. Thet the said commission after theexpiratition of six months shall cause a cornplate roll of oitizenahip of each of snid nations to be made up from their records, nurl add thereto the names of citizens whose right mmny be oooferred nnder this act, oud snid rolls shall he, ant1 me hereby, made rolls of citizenship bf said nationa or tribes, subject, however, to the determination of the United States courts, ;ls provided herein. The Commission is hereby required to file the lists of members as they finally approro them with the Commissioner of Indian A f f ~ it~o sre main there for nsens the final jndgment of the duly constituted anthorities. And said Conlmission shall alee m%kie rill of freedmen entitled to citizenship in said tribes and shsll inolltde their names in the list8 of meniber8 to be tiledwith the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Since the passage of this provision the Commission has been in t.he Cherokee Nation preparing for the adjudication of citize~~shoipla iu~s, and the papers on file in this office in many of the Cherokee citizenship cases have, ii~iderD epartment authority of July 22, 18!)G, bee11 sent to them for their information and for the use of the claimants aid the Nation in the investigation which they are authorized to make. CHIPPEWA AXD MUNSEE INDIANS IN KANSAS. There was given at some length in the anliuil report of this office for the year 1891 the status of the Chippewas and Munsees ill Kansas and of their lands. The recommendations then made, repeated in the following year and renewed in my reports for 1803 and 189.5 are, briefly, that the allotments hitherto made them be patented, and that vacant or abandoned lands be sold, the net proceecls thcreof to he funded for the benefit of those me~nberosf the two tribes who have never received allotments. At the request of the Incli%ns and of this office a bill for their relief (H. R. No. 7569) was introduced in the last session of |