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Show These schools are distributed as follows: TBLE 7.-Looalwn and capaoity of Gorernml day schools Jura 30,1896. ~ocation. / 04acity. 11 ~ocation. Capaaitg. Hanlapai ...................... Oreiba .............................................. ... Polaoos Na~sjo- Littlewater ................... supai .......................... California: Big Pine@ ......................... Bishopo ........................... Hat Creaka. ....................... Manobestera ...................... xiaaioo.1 - - Potter vsur Saa and For ....................... ............................ xhneaota: UWihroithe C Enolea a r...t..g.... ............ 1 TvinLake .................. .I Gull Lake .I Mantons: Tongue River ...................... Nebraska: i Total oapwity. .................. 4,454 25 Totd =amber ofsohools ......... 124 40 40 40 30 10 35 50 40 30 3E 40 LO 25 40 40 38 25 30 30 26 CONTRACT SCHOOL SYSTEM. New Merioo: Pueblo- Coohita ....................... Lagnns.. .......... : .......... smta. Clara ................... Zia ........................... North Carolina: Ea%tem Chemkee,4sahools ...... North Dakota: Devils Lake, M 1 e xo~oontain, 3 sohonla ........................ Standing Rock,5 aohools .......... Fort Bsrthold. 3 sahools ........... oreK:haaho ......................... Sonth Dakota: Cheyenne Rivsr.3 sohoola.. ....... Pine Ridga 25 schools ............. Rosebud 21 sohoola ............... washington': colvd~ea, schools ................. I Lummi ........................... I Neah Bay, QuUehute.. ........... PuyaUup- Jarnestom a ................. Port G~mbioa ................ Yakim a........................... Wiaoonsin: Gresn B&r,Stookbridge ........... Oneida. 5 sobwls .................. L&pohte. 8 achoola ................ The Indian appropriation act for the current fiscal year contains the following provision in regard to the assi~tauceto be given by the Gov-ernment to the support of scho~lsfo r Indians carried on under private control, and known as contract schools: And it is hereby deolared to be the settled policy of the Government to hereafter make no appropriation whatever for eduoation in any aeatarian school: Prouided, That the Seoretary of the Interior may make contraeta with contract sohools, sppor-timing %s near as may be the amount so contrseted for among aehoola of various danominstiona, for the eduoation of Indian pupils during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, but shsll only make suoh oontraota at plsoen where non-sectarian aohoola cannot be provided for such Indian ohildren and to an amount not exeedingilfty per centumof the amount so used for the fisoal year eighteen hundred and ninety-me. ' ' * The question of reducing appropriations to these schools has always been a grave and serious one, and in all cases I have endeavored to make the reductions so that they would best subserve the interests of the Indians and Gork the least hardship upon those whose allowances were to be lessened. As will readily be understood, this has been a difficult matter, inasmuch as reductions had to be made contrary to the |