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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIBS. 31 mre, with an annual maintenance charge of 75 cents per acre. The additional quantity of water required for this purpose was estimated at 300 cubio feet per second. The consideration for the construction of the canal and the delivery of the 300 oubic feet north of Ross Fork Creek was $90,000, with an annualmaintenance ohargeof $15 per cubic foot. The terms ofpayment were as follows : . The United States will pay or oaoae to be paid to the col~treototrh e amount agreed upon, as follows: One-half upon the delivery of 100 cubio feet of water per second at some point or points to be designated by the Commissioner of Indian'Attaira, and to be not more than 4 miles south from the Bleokfoat River, such delivery to be not later than the 1st day of Jnne, 1896. One-foupth of the entire amount upon the delivery of 100 cubic feet of water per second additions1 at a point to be designated by tho Commissioner of 1ndia.n Affeirs, such designated point to ha st or near the omsaing of the proposed cnnal and Soas Fork Crgek, whioh delivery is to be made at or before the beginning of the I irrigation season next suooeeding the date of the first payment, provided that such delivery shall not be required earlier than three months from the date of fsoh first payment and shall not be later than one year from such payment. The remaining one-fourth to be paid upon the delivery of the 100 oubic feet of water per aeoond necessary to inolude the entire amount of 300 cubio feet of water per second, but not before the expiration of one year from the date of the second i payment. January 25, 1896, the Secretary approved the map of the definite looation of the company's canal- For its line into the town of Poeatello, upon the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, as . granted by the Department of the Interior by letter fro111 George Chandler, Acting Secretary, to the C~mmiasionsor f Indian Affairs, under b t e o f Joly 1, 1891, and a letter and telegram from T. J. Morgan, Commiaaioner of Indian Affairs, under date of July 4 (3), 1891. May 15, 1896, the engineer employed by the Fort Hall agent to si~perintendt he construction of laterals, etc., suggested to this oBce . certain changes in the construction of the canal, which, he believed, woold result in greater stability and a considerable saving to the Gov-ernment in the construction of laterals, etc. H~rReco mmendations were indorsed by Inspector John Lane and Agent Teter. June 25, 1896, the Department informed this office that without further infor-mation and additional expert testimony as to the advisability of the change recommended, it was of .the opinion that the construction should proceed upon the lines laid down in the contract with the com-pany. July 15,1896, the president of the company addressed a com-munication to the Department, urging a modification of the contract in accordance with the suggestions of Engineer Mitchell, upon which this office made report July 29,1896. Subsequently Mr. A. P. Davis, of the Geological Survey, was detailed to make a thorough investigation of the matter. His report has not yet been received. |