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Show 13 The Art omew/fz'flg. The Art (f Tm-ve/Yz'izg. a tormal Siege, prefuming that by this means he m that have no mutual cennexion, nothing is to bC would either block up the late Duke of [,m-rain with his Troops in Leann/lust, 0r oblige him to quit it with the more fpeed, and a greater number of his ‘ifiien, which would make the Circumvallation more may, and the Garilbn probably leis numerous, or cll‘c the Duke would exp: fe him felf to be firlt routed 'omitted that may render it let's cafy and more faithful. I think I have obferv'd by Experience three Rules that contribute much to reduce the Memory to this in the field : and iever was any Advice more wifely given, or more ralhly contetnno foreign things about which he has a mind to employ his Memory, without troubling himfelf to retain the When this Vilier Was mortified by the Relifiance proper Names of Places, Perfons and Times, of which Gazetteers feldom fail to give a very particu- lar account for the information of the Curious, becaufe 7tis their province to know things of this of the Besieged, and refolv‘d to attempt any thing to repair the damage he had fultain'd, and the time he had loft in this Siege, he was willing, to have re- flate, which is certainly no cafy matter to accom- plilh. The firit is, fora Man to learn well the chief tourfe to Count Tentifs Counfel, and would needs endeavour to be mall‘er of thofe Bridges, without con-lidering the difi‘erence of Time and other Cireumftanccs; he gave his Orders for the execution kind. The fecond is, To join that which one defires to know, to what one knows already by fome Elmo/act of Facts, Times, or Coniunftures, which re- of this Deiign. but inl‘tead of depriving Vienna of to join to the railing the Siege of Vitizm the politirlc Propol‘ition made by the King of Poland for his eldeit Son to be married to the Archdutchefs as in -. good part of its Gariihn, or of weakening thofe which the Prince of Lorrain manav'd f0 \4 mgr, and to f0 good purpofe againft him, as he might certainly have done in the former Junéturc, Er: diminifli'd his own Force, and fent his Troops to .\~ 4 :i femble and refer one to another, as, for inltance, Reward for relieving that City. The third is, to 7 -: cut in pieces without being able to execute the unite and accommodate both the one and the other to the Circumi'lances and actual Condu't or the Country where a Man is at prefent, or whitlmr l rfliz'tfiers :h y had receiv'd. is to return; becaufe what palles there can‘t Cellil'f {*5 one may judg that an eafy Memory is al- efcape the Mind, being often reviv'd by the Memo- u:‘::::s dangerous when 'tis unfaithful, tho Iconfefs ry, and therefore that which has been llllli'll‘ft) n leis to i: the fpeculation of a Travellerthan in will alfo be rctaind, and the Memory render'd "lib- ' ‘ St'itefinan, who ought from the liCS to dillruft it more than dey is a great help at the Bar' and ful to fuch a degree, that all things will be ealilv rc- COliCGer. I fay a 331m ought in the lil'llT place tliorowlr t » "lint, but 7tis the leait‘ Qialihcation of a pollhfs his filing with the lirlt dili::overies l‘e runes "i‘is by reading, (which is a kind or "a; ‘l and by Travelling; (which is a living, in his Travels, that is to fay, after he has mad deep fearch into the Precepts of Policy (Without Which nothing); is to be expected of bin )' to 100%: on i : thit a Man is to be convinc'd or ‘7 that an eafy Memory being; in} 11.; :1 2.: heroes when "ti; OVer-charg'd with many tl'iilliL-i" tau CVCl‘y lide upon that which li ‘lt {tril-zcs his Mind in :i manner different from the l'rehidices he has bror: ht (Mi |