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Show 168 and Craet'ties in the Welt-Indies. A Relation of the Spanifl‘l Voyages gave notice to thofe that were concern-"d in the Ship, to make what halle they could, and carry away as many Slaves as they needed, becaufe the King had fent an exprels Prohibition to hinder any from being inflaved for the future. It was once matter of Allonilhment to fee the fruitfulnefs,plenty and multitude of Inhabitants, that fill'd the Province of Honduras -, and 'tis now as de- plorable to behold the Mifery, Defolation, and want of People there, which refemble it to a melancholy Wildernefs. The Governor of this Province tog slaves has been allow'd, which was firft praé‘tis'd in Hzfpamola. Sometimes the Spaniards to deceive the Indians would perfwade 'em they mould go with them into Spain, when they defign'd only to carry 'em to the lfle of Cuba, and fell 'em there. And there are many [till at Havana, that were taken after this manner 3 for when other Spaniards heard of the Stratagems their Countrymen us'd to impofe on made ufe of a trick not much unlike that of which we have been fpeaking. He ow'd a great Sum of the poor Indians, they would ule the fame Tricks and brag of 'em inftead of being alham'd', fo that the World has been fufliciently inform'd of thefe Artlfices. The Miferies and Defolations of the Provin~ ces of Nicaragua and Gaatimalapf the greatelt part of Mony to fome Merchants for W inc and other Com- Mexico, Tabefco, and Panaco, are inconteltible Proofs modities he had bought of 'em; who had their Vellels in the Port, and expeéted this Governor to pay 'em in Slaves. But the Emperor's Order forbid- of the Cruelties and other Crimes of the Spaniards. The Archbilhop of Mexico wrote an Account of 'em ding him to make any Slaves in this Province being very ftriét,he durlt not take up Indians publicly to pay his debts,for fear of provoking the Emperor by atting direétly againft his Command : He therefore fent out two of his Captains, one to the Sea-Coaflc, and the Indies, wherein he inform'd'em that the Governor other farther up into the Continent, with Orders to take up fuch Indians as were likely to make the lealt noife and diflurbance by their Complaints; thefe he ordcr'd to be embarqued, and to prevent to himfell any danger from the Court, he pretended thefelndians were feditious Perfons and Malefaftors, whom he was oblig'd to banifh, becaufe it would have been by way of complaint to the Royal Council for the. had loaded twenty eight Ships with Slaves. The Governor of the Province of Xalifco took for his own Share 4560 Slaves, Men, Women and Children, fome of whom were but one, others two or three years old -, all was filh that came to net 5 befides an mfinit number that other Spaniards took in this Provmce, againll: the King's exprel‘s Orders, Who was much difpleas'd that thofe People fliould beinflav'd, who ought to have bin inftrutted in the knowledg of the true God, and of the Chriftian Rtllgion, in order to their Salvation. Thole Fle- of ill confequence to have let 'em remain in their mfllh Merchants that got pofleflion of the Kingdom Country : This was the Pretext under which he fold g Venpuela, to pillage and dell-toy it, made horri- 'em for Slaves to pay his Debts. And with this fort le Spml there for the {pace of twenty years. That of Coin the Spaniards us'd to buy all forts of Com- a Ifay is the very Truth, may better appear modities that came from Europe, and whatever die Whfconfulting the Archives of the Royal Council, they thought neceITary. So that 'tis no wonder ColCh' are full of complaints againlt the infidious that thofe fine and rich Provinces are become ff)? te ntrivances of theSpaniards, and the great Violen- lorn Defer-ts, fince this Trade of buying and {$111105 t "hey has seemed F9 antlers the Poor Indium_ ' , ave: " i" ' Thefe |