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Show 24 A Relatirm of 1/26 Spanifh Vgage: went, ruining in a little time the molt pleafant and fruitful Country in the We/Z-Indics. There were and Cmeltie: in the Weft-Indies. 2; feparated from their Wives and Children, of loling their Liberty, and of being condemn'd to a cruel before the Arrival of this Tyrant, abundance of Death, without having ever been inftruéted in the Villages, Towns and Cities, that excell'd thofe Of Maxims and Principles of our Religion. all the neighbouring Countries. poor Creatures mult be oblig'd to render an exaét This Country a- bounds more in Gold than any yet difcover'd. And the The Obedience to a King they had never feen or heard immenfe Riches that have fill'd Spain fince {he has of, till they were inform'd of him by thefe Mefl‘en: traded to the ladies, have been chiefly drawn out ers of his that treated 'em to inhumanly. This bloody and impious Governor, urg'd with the infatiable defire of heaping up Treafure, pillaged the Indians that dwelt both in the Villages and Cities With Impunity, while they little thought of of the Mines of the Country of which I am now fpeaking. ‘ The Governor of this new World invented various kinds of Torments to conltrain the Inhabitants to give him all the Gold they had heap'd together. fecuring themfelves againlt his Robberies. He order'd his Souldiers to go privately to the places In one Progrefs which forne of his Captains made by his Order to pillage and rob the People of their where they fufpeéted any Gold was to be found, Riches, they put abOVe forty thoufand of 'em to and to declare his Orders to the Inhabitants of this the Sword -, others they burnt, Others they expos'd to be devour'd by Dogs, and the» refl: they deltroy'd u xth divers other kinds of cruel Punilhmentso new World after the following manner. The wretched Ignorance of thol‘e that have been fent to‘govern the Indies, has occafion'd a grea t ma- ny d'im‘lliefs and DifOI‘ders, and hinder'd the Converh on of the Indians : for what they endeavour'd to Pel‘fh'ade 30‘" by thsir-Words, was contradicted by. the" Adions, and the Sentiments of their Ninth WC"? n0 Ways conformable to the Pretenfions of their Tongues. They comm anded the Indidm to embrace the Chriltian Religion upon pa in of DGLIIIT, theymenac'd 'em withcr uel Slaver y 01‘ the noIt exqunire Tortures, to force 'em to turn ,Chrifiiv ans, or to livearAllegiance to the King of Spain.As it the So " Caciques " and Indians of this Continent, we are come to de" clare to you that there is but one God, one Pope, " and one King of Spain, who is Lord and Matter of " the Country you inhabit, we therefore require " you to come immediately and take the Oath of f‘ Allegiance to him. After fuch kind of Preambles as thefe, they would choofe the Night to fall fuddenly upon thefe poor Wretches, when laid faft afleep, without having taken any meafures to fecure themfelves from the Artifices of their Enemies, who would fet fire to their Houfes, which being thatch'd with Reeds and Straw, were burnt to Alhes in an inftant. The Women and Children were de- n of God, who dy'd for the Rede mption vour'd by the Flames almoll: before they had time to confider where they were. They madacred fuch om he fent to prCaCh the Gofpel, and to declaree wh the Kingdom of GOd as made a lhift to efcape the Fire, or kept 'em for Slaves, they ufed Tortures to force 'em to tell of Men had ordain'd thof to coni‘tram People that liv'd pe own Country, to make profefho acZably in theif on pain of being plunder'd of the n of his Doélrine' ir Goods, of being? ‘ fepaé where they had hid their Gold. They printed Marks on their Bodies with red hot Branding-irons :, and after all thefe Cruelties, us'd their utmolt diligence |