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Show 62 A Relation of the Spaniflr Voyage; and Craelties in the "left-Indies. 6; ty. Nothing can be a greaterhiiuh'ance to the Control may he conicétur‘d how the Spaniards hare ab-us'd on of the Indians, than the ill Treatment and Perla the poor ln:lmns. They in derilion and ‘fcorn call tion they make 'em fufler continually. 77qu People"; than}; the warlike lnilians, that fly into the Mounturally love peace and quietnejs ', but~ the barbarousuft tains to fave their Livcs‘ And when they force that}: mifcrahloPcople, to travel in rough antldif-n they meet with from the Spamardsunjpzres en: withhm and indignation againft all Chrzjltans, 'mhom they the cult ways, fireating under the great Burdens they oblige ‘cm to carry, not content with having overloaded "cm, they aggravate their mifery by beating 'cm unmercifully, and bruiling their Faccs with the pommels of their Swords till the poor fore call in their Language Yates, that 75 rafter, Devi Nor is it without reafon abominable to thefe poor they fee 'em commit, are of reafonable Creatures, that thcy appear [0 odiozam Creatures, [moo the .Abllll more like thoje of Devils, iii or Chit/trans. for while: W'rctchcs driven to dcfpair with all this Op- Indians fee the Officers as well as Souliliers commit h prcllion, often cry out, 1 can hold out no longer; hill (tote/table Crimes; they believe the Laws of Chriflian: me out-right; put an end to my flaiferies by a fpeeay authorize thefe inhuman Actions, and that neithert Death. And many deep fighs accompany their: God nor our King forbids 'em. "Tis to no purpofe Exprcllions, which fomctimcs they are fcarcc a-blo pretend to undeceiaze 'em, and remove thefe Prejuaits to utter, their Strength is f0 exhauftcd with their as the Cafe [lands ', 'tis but only to expo/h the Laws t Toll, their Vearinefs, and the unmcrcifulBlows Religion of Chrifi the more to the Contempt of the ele which they give'em, without any regard to their laters. The Indians now begin to defend therz-ifelruesfr other .‘theries. the Spaniards by force of Arms; and choofe rather peri/h together at once than to fuffer a thoufaml death the Cruelty of thefe unmerciful Men. Tour fifafliefly‘l Of the Province of Carthagena. more Servants in this Newl'Vorlal than you image for there are none who hear Arms in thefe waft Cow trim", and make it their bufinefs to plunder7 kill, a burn, but give out that they are employ'el here injl H I S Province is fimate about so League's dill tance from that of St. Martha W eftward, and Amie/l)" bufinefs, and endeavour to perfroaa'e the the borders on the Country of Cenu; it firetches along "W 'tif 1)} your Majejly's Order, and foryour Intent: the Sea-{hora as far as the Gulf of Voaba, the {pace of a hundred Leagues; and is {till larger on the Truth if, they ufe 'em after this violent manner, at. South-tide. All this Country from the year 1498. to enrich themfel‘ves by plundering 'em of all they hat to this time hath fuft‘er'd great Perfecutions from that they do all this Mifchief to the Indians : tho! 1‘ fl'c'm‘ "thIuttly necbflary for your jllaje/ly to flop l9 the Spaniards, who have eXcrcifcd a World of violence, and made a great many Mafl‘acres here anal that your Maiefly declare you will have 7407": till they have made all this Country as defolate as thatot St. Mart Courfe of thefe Robbers by for/2o Exemplary Iilmifbmtt ha. But I begin. to be weary of menclon ing f0 often the Barbarity and Impiety the SpaThus far the Letter which the Bilhop of St. {W "~31 Wrote to his Catholick Majcfty: By Wmchi niards have difcovered in America. their Services, whofo highly difljonour Goal and Religill‘ , l of |