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Show I IO A Relation of the Spaniih Voyage: and Cruelzie: 2'22 the Weft-Indies. III ‘ Lord of the Country hoped to put a [top to thcfe '- Miferies, and to allay thebloody Rage of thefe .TY' ‘to feize fome of the People of Tulilicui, who ‘ gers hviending their Subjects to em Wltl'l all iorts ‘following, of which he referv'd the moft robufi ‘and lufiy, whom he thought fit to carry great Bur- ‘ of Proviiions and other Prefenta. Soon after tlllS ‘ they came to Lilia with all the Indians they ,had ‘taken, for they would not dlfcharge one of em. ‘ They pafs'd through feed in their way, and were ‘ no fooner arriv'd there, but they fell to pillaging ‘ and malTacring all they met with, they exertis'd ‘brought him a hundred Men and Women the day ‘deus, for himfelf and his Souldieis, and put man ‘of 'em in Chains, giving the young'Children to ‘the Critique of Tulilicui to eat, in whofe Houfe their " When the Cacique at the head of a great company ‘Skins find with Afhes are {till to be feen. After ‘this Expedition he went toward the Provinces of ‘Crzlili, where he join'd Captain 70197: d' Ampudia, ‘who was gone another way to makea further ‘difcovery. There tWo Commanders» left great ‘marks of their Cruelty in all the Provinces through ‘which they pafs'd; Ampudz‘a happen'd to come " of Indian: came to meet 'em, the Spam, 2 Com- ‘to a certain City, the Governor of which, whofe ‘ their ufual trade of firing their Houfes, they con‘ fum'd above a hundred of "em in one Village; nor ‘ did other Towns and Cities in the neighbouring ‘ Country, w rich they call Tulilicui, fare any better. ‘ mander demanded Gold of him and his Subjec'is: ‘ they told him they had no great quantity, but ‘ woiiid readily give him all they had, and accor‘ dingly brought him. that little they had got toge‘ ther. Upon which he deliver'd a_l;ind of Receipt ‘ fignd with his own hand to each 01 ‘cm, which war ‘to ferve for a token by which to difiingurlh thoft ‘that had given him Gold from the ref‘t; adding, ‘ that whoever had not this Receipt {hould be ex‘ pos'd to the Dogs to be devour'd by 'em. The ‘ poor Creatures terrified by thefe Menaces, brought ‘ him all the Goid they had in very great hafte, and ‘ thofe that had none were fain to retire into th€ ‘ Mountains, or into other Cities to fave their LIV", ‘ and thus the Country was depriv'd of the greate'li ‘ part of its Inhabitants. A little after he orderd ‘the C‘aciqac to fend two Indians to theCltY 01 ‘ Agile, to fignify that he requir'd the Inhabitants to ‘ meet him, which they might do with faiety, and ‘ to bring with them all theGoid they could. After' ‘ he had dit‘patch'd this Order, he went to anovth" " City, and the fame night fent a party of "mfg: ‘name was Bitacon, had made deep works under ‘groundwto hinder the approach of an Enemy ;: ‘Two of the Spaniards Horfes, that of one Anton} ‘Kedondon, and that of Marc Marque}, fell into thefe ‘Traps, and't'ne latter of 'em dy'd with the fall, ‘but the other efcap'd the danger. However this ‘fmall lofs by the Stratagem of the Indians f0 profvolt'd this Captain, that he order'd his Men to ‘take all of 'em they could light on, which was :ahout three hundred, and to caft 'em into thefe lPits, befides this they fir'd a hundred Houfesi tFtom hence they came to a very great and populous: LCItYa here they had no Interpreter by whom to ‘converfe With thefe Indians, however they mafia ‘cred abundance of 'em with their Swords and. ‘Lances. As foon as thefe two Commanders met tone. another again after all thefe Expeditions, Am» ‘padm gave the other a relation of what he did at ‘thaeonza, and told him how many Indian: he had (caft into the Pits that were made at the entrance (Of the City, while the other applauded all he had one, telling him he had. reafon to ferve 'em‘after that |