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Show .. madam-.25!" ..., 'm ', v : {mWw" A fwd . ‘, 1 M??? . The P RE FA c E elties to the King of Spain, and to the Royal Councilfor the Indies, with a deflgnto put a flop to '(rn if poflihle, That he is a Per/on of irreproachahle Credit in this cafl', will app-ear hy the fol/outing ac- count, wherein he challenges all the World to ‘dif- prove the truth of the matters of Fact he aflerts, while he flood the Te]? of a Court who could eaflly have detected him, if he had attempted to. impale on 'em h} a malicions Pal/hood. This Bzfloop writes withfuch an Air of hone/lo, Sincerit], and Charity, as would very well have hecome one of a hetter Religion than that in which he had the itnhappinefls to he educated. It may well/ur- prize the Reader to hear a Spanifh Prelat declairn fl) loudly again/i Per/ecution, and pleadfo freely for Lihert} of Confcience in a Country fuhjugated to. the Inguifition. To hear hint in his definite againfl Doc'ior Sepulueda, decry all methods of Violence for. the propagation of the Truth, as more [utahle to the Maxines of Mahonzeti/ni than the Principles of Chriflianity : To hear hint aflert the Natural Right 0 'all tWanhind to Lihert} and Propert , and inveig h againjt all Ufurpation and Tyranny in the finarteji ~ernzs,is enough to move any one's PVonder, and Fit} too, when on the other hand 'tis ohferv'd how much, he magnifies the Power and Authority of the Pope in- form of his Propo/itions contaie'd in the following Treati/e. Bat all neayferve to convince one howgreat The I' R E F A C E. 9Tie no lefs a Suhjee‘t of Aidiniration that a Booh of this flatnp, which reflecft‘sfifharplj on Per/ecution and Tyrannflfhouldflee the light cum privilegio at this time ofda} in France, where the Civil and Religion/s Lihert] of Suhjec'is have not heen provided for with the utrnofl Care, where the Will of tie Prince has long fince heen the Law, and Dragoo ns of late years the principal 17%fl077t137-C'5'Jf‘07' the Pro~ pagation of the Gofpel. ., This Treatife n'asN/nfl compos'd in Spanifh in the heginning of the Reign of Charles V. and was long fince 'tranflated and printed in rnore Lanz guages than one; hut having latet'y receiv'a a new dre/fs in J‘dodern French at Paris, 'tis hop'd this Tran/lation front the French will not he unaccept a- hle to the Englijh [Vation I'm/Gare the ahove- mention'd Principles of the Bi/hop of Chiapa concerning Property and Lihert'y hoth Civil and Religious, are more ztg'reeahle to the Genius and Con/ii» tiition of this I/land, than to the prefl'nt t‘ei nper of that part of the Continent which lies nearefi to it ; and fo this Booh rnay expec‘tZ at leafl' as favora hle a reception in this Nation as in that where it has heen lately pith/11h7d. lth'vhat the Bifhopflzys here and there infavor o . his own Religion, is /o meals, and has heen fl) often expl oded here and every where elfe where the Ref or- an adventage or dtflidvantage a Man has as he mation has ohtain'd, that 'tntould he unneceflie ry to Plaid! the Cert/(3 of '1 r-a "1 or Error ; and of the great differen "Tis enoughfor nee that I have faithfitl lj di charg'd ce there is tetween the <ge-nuin Lan- guage of Rea/on and good Sen/e, and the firvil fret/Wm 0f Bigotry and Superjlition. jTie confute an] of tho/e Popifh Fancies in thi s Preface. the part of a Tran/lator. And if [orne particular things occur more than once, it inufl he conflder'd on the one hand, that the Bifliop had need to mention them e, L, ,.. ‘7 we . . ' a, ""Iwmwvummmvxmm‘o r - my "min. 1M"".imynm‘w |