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Show and Crue/fies in the VVell-Indies, A Relation of the Spanifh Voyage; 66 67 Spaniards -, for there Indians take upon 1em i‘atisfied himfelf with making me this ani‘wer: Don fome other s with a great deal ofjoy; and before you troubleyour felf alarm: thefcanartcrs :, they tbatfr Chril‘tian Name truE'red in our Myflzeries, very eagerly deme gave me Orders to 462‘ after this nnzmzrr, and they areinl zed. This Prince Alforzfmtogether With take all rbofe by force that I could not bring awayunl fire to be bapti efgnot aware of the Ai‘tihces orthe Spdi'lidl'df, tbe/hndom and pretence of Peace. The Spaniardswc his Princ to. play 'em, they had refolv'kl guilty of a world of {uch bafe Afiions, in feizii and the deceitful trick aded to go on board one of. their Ships, thefe Indian: contrary to their promifes that ill were perfw and many other Indirms did the like, being, all made would treat 'em like Friends. great Feail: prepar'd for 'em; Let any one now make reflef‘rion on the Condi to believe there was a importunity to entice 'em of the Spamming and fee if they have any appe and they needed the leis fupoos'd the Friers, in. rance of right to reduce the Inhabitants of A'mcri into the Ship, becaul'e they undance of Confidence, had Inteas they do, to fuch a miferable flate of bondage. whom they putab rity enough among, the Soldiers to fee was refolv'd among the Dominican Friers to is: rei't and Autho "em from all manner of danger: otherWil'e fame of their Order, to difplay the Light Of! Cure they would not have fo ealilytrnf‘ted thei'nfelves in. Gofpel among the Indians that liv‘d in the‘grofs dai the hands of the Spaniards. The very moment they nets of ldolatry, and were out of the way of Si enterd the Vell‘el, thefe perfidions \Men fet fail, and vation: They firll: feut one that was a Licentiate carried 'em to Hifianiola, where they fold 'em for All the Country was alarm'd at the fad. tidings that the Spaniards had carried away their went through this Country to feek a commodi Prince and Princefs; and came in Crowds to feel: place for the building of a Monaf'cry 3 and confer the Friers, who narrowly efcap'd being kill'd by 'em. with fome of the Inhabitants what niealiircs ton Thole good men were extreamly grie'v‘d at the Divinity, of great reputation for his Piety andV Slaves. tue, who took with him a Lay-brother: they bi to fucceed in this defign. When the other Friersn treachery us'd with tl el'e poor People -, and would arriv'd, the Indians receiv'd "em as if they hadbf rather have died than fufi'er'd thefe Ontrages to Meliengers fent from Heaven; they manifel‘tedab‘: be on all occafions committed againl‘c 'em, if they dance of affection to 'em, heard what theyfc team have prevented 'em, becaufe thefe were the With great attention, as far as they were capable great obltacles that hinder'd 'em from embracing the underltanding them-7 for thefe religious Peri Catholick Religion. However, the Indians were ap- not being yet fufficiently acquainted with thf peasd by the promil'es the Friers made 'em, that 1431183133?» were conftrain'd to make ufe of high they would write by the firlt Velll‘l that ihould exprefs their meaning. go to Hifpmzz‘ola, to procure their Prince and PrinNo fooner was the Ship that brought the Fri gone off, but there came another full of Souldié' Who made life of Treachery and Artifice, accordll to their Wicked Cuftom,to feize the Prince of thisl "On, unknown to the Friers. This Prince's namel Alfonfo, Which Was given him either by the Friars, . r ,l celfs to be l'ent back. Accordingly a Veliél being in a little time prepar'd for this Voyage, they made ufe of the opportunity to write to fflfpfll'liOld, to engage thefe Robbers to reltore their Prey, which they obllinately refus'd to do, the Governours of F 2 that |