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Show ,7. A Relation of the Spanifh Voyager and Cruelties in the Weft-Indies. 7g Mines, tho very terrible, yet is far inferior will ceflive Cold they endure, which caufes that flux of we are now relating. They make 'em dive in tl Blood of which Ihave jutt now fpoken. ' Tho they Sea five or fix fathom under water (where they a: have naturally black Hair, the Fatigue they undergo forc'd to hold their Breath) to take up Mothert changes the colour of it 3 f0 that it becomes like the Pearl -, and when they come up to the furface of tl Hair of Sea-wolves. The foam of the Sea fticks f0 Water with Nets full of thofe Shells, to get a lit fafl: to their Shoulders,and in fuch a manner,that they Breath, if they keep above water fomethinglongr look more like Moniters than Men. By this fiihing than ordinary to refreih themfelves a little, a mt trade the Spaniard: have deltroy‘d all the People of cilefs Spaniard who attends with a_Boat, beatsai the Lucay-Iflands, which were the moil: skilful and abufes 'em without meafure, and otten takes 'eml experienc'd in this Employment; and the reafon the hair of the head, to force 'em again und: why one of thofe Indians was fold for fifty Crowns water, to continue their filhing. They feed 't or more, and fometimes for a hundred, was bewith a little Fiih and a piece of dry hungry Bret caufe they were marvelloufly dextrous at fwimming and don't give 'em a Belly full of that neither; ill and diving. However, thofe of other Provinces have no other Bed than the hard ground on Will were employ‘d too in this work when they could they make 'em fleep in their Chains, for fear thz take 'em; fo that by this means an infinite number fhould run away. They are often drown'd in filhi of People have been deftroy'd. thus for Pearl, or elfe devour'd by a fort of Se monfters, that will {wallow a Man whole, fotl they hear no more of 'em. 'Tis no hard matter to perceive by what has be faid, that the Precept of Chriftian Charity is illo ferv‘d in this kind of filhing, feeing thefe [)0 Slaves are expos'd to imminent danger of perilhl both in Soul and Body. The Avarice of merit ariardr, who mind nothing but Gain, is {UChstl they fcarce take any care to infiruét their Slat and to fortify 'em by communicating the Sacramet to 'em._ They opprefs 'em with to much Labfi and Fatigue, that they die in a little time; and" vimpoflible Men fhould continue long under Wfi Without Refpiration, and endure the great Ct Of the River Yuya-pari. HIS Province is water'd by the River Tuya' pari, tho the fource of it is two hundred Leagues diftant. A Spanilh Captain once had the boldnefs to go up this River to penetrate farther into the Country, and to ravage and fpoil it. He malTacred abundance of People in his way, laid the Counctry watte with Fire and Sword, and 'ruin'd them by whole Families, while they were peaceably enjoying, themfelves in their Houfes, and thought of nothing lets: But after all this mifchief, himfelf pe- coldnefs of the Water fometimes makes 'em V03 mom; and they foon die, partly by having tl' Stomachs fo violently prefs'd by long holding rilh'd miferably, and his Souldiers quarrel‘d and deftroy'd one another. They that afterwards came into this Country fucceeded him in his Cruelties, and .gre [till laying it walte; they commit abundance of their Breath under water, and partly by theft Aiall‘acres and Robberies there with Impunity, and cc; Teen} firamt they fuffer in. holding their Breathzl |