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Show A Relation 0f the Spaniih Vgages and Craalties in the Wefl-Indics. maflacring thofe poor People, and have themf‘elves Lord in the Continent of the Weft-Indies, inveflted 240 all died in a dreadful and defpalrlng manner. It; feems their Violence and Cruelty, the great quan- , with an abfolute jurifdiélion over the Indians; this i PoWer Ought to be infeparable from your Royal Perfon: 'Tis not conVenient‘for the future to give A any one the Title of Count, Marquefs, or Duke over gmtity of Blood [bed in the Mallacres'they have mited, and their other VICIOUS Aétions, the e eels of which are yet to he feen, cry aloud to Heaveg either the Indians or Spaniards that are fetled there; i-ur Vengeance, while the Tears, and ‘Sighs, fand Entreaties of f0 many poor Innocents have 11] becaufe "twill prompt 'em to think too highly of themfelves, and to advance themfelves above their Heaven and Earth, and put all the \r‘vorld into a Confternation, to the utter fhame and reproach of all the Spanifh NatiOn, and of the kings of Spain too. A Condition, which may have very mifchievous Con- . fequences: In a word, this may probably open 'em a way to make themfelves Kings of the Indies, and thereby devei‘t your Majefty of the Right you have Since then it depends only‘on your Majef‘ty to lay the AX to the Root of all thefe Diforders, and to do julliee to thefe aflhéted Peoplexit Will be an Argument of your Prudence and Equity to employ 'your Power to deliver the Indians from the terrible Opprefiions and Calamities under which they yet g1 (iiiiiir Majefty may be pleas'd farther toobferyve; that if the Spanimds‘have an Authority given em over the Indians, however it may be qualified, they will infallibly abufe it', for being naturally proud, they'l become ftill lefs obedient to younMaieftyjs Commands: Nay the immenle Sums whlch they] get in the Indics will enable 'em to. confederate With other Nations, to withdraw their Allegiance entirely from your Majef'ty at long-run, and to fucpport one another in their Rebellion. We alrea y fee that the richef't of 'em, that flatter themfelves with the Title of Conquerors, are {'0 intolerably prefumptuous, as to fer themfelves above tne R953 of common Jultiee'. Your Majef‘ry's Vice-my la.» not long fince in one of his Letters, that the ladiaiz 24i to thofe Countries. ' Nor will it be more fafe to trufl: this Power in g the hands of thofe Gentlemen that compofe your ; Majefty's Council in the Indies, which may alfo be attended with Inconveniences; for 'tis impomble «1 for the Affairs of America to be well adminifired if ‘ the Members of that Council be abfolute Lords of the Indians: To be fure then the King of Spain {hall never know the truth of what palTes there ;' this would produce nothing but Fraud and Impofture, and be an infallible means to compleat the Ruin of the Indies. They that govern in the Indies, induitrioufly endeavour to prevent the Court of Spain from receiving any true Information how matters Rand there, that they may fecurely pillage the Country, and live at their own Difcretion. They have oppos'd thofe Friers whofe Zeal carried 'em to America to preach, and have hinder'd 'em from reaping the fruit they might have expeé'ted from their Lab'ors. The judges and other Officers were ; afraid the Converfio n of the Indians would be preought to acknowlege no other Cod nor hingthan Iludicia‘l to' their Temporal Intei'elt; and Avarice himfelf. Your Maielty therefore {hould take itffm; j bore fway in their Minds inflead of that Zeal they granted that it is not coniiltent with the Securityp; fqugh't to' have had for the Salvation of thofe Infia your Government, that there {hould be any 12% @9151 God is witne that this is true, and 'tis nor i‘s R difficult |