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Show "A Relation of the Spanifli l'ojager 6 amt Crtzeitier in the \Neii-lndies. f1fple:l;é fear of being acculs'd either)o_f Itvppplgéreglgrc 1c]) ' ' fiderate , hnce tis rnllpfsittmlcl hnegedrhcrfiiye-witndrfs, that they valued tlic hat] (0 ihe treated them worfe than Bentl‘s. _ They .ty regard to the Salvation of their Souls, ti‘at1 12115 {e would not give themfelves the trouble to muc {peak of the Chriltian Faith and Sacraments to £110 ong numberlefs multitudes of Men and \Y omenrw/i‘ they facrific'd to their Ambition and 1 ymnny‘. . n that which aggravates the enormity pt their ‘Crilmes, is, that thefe poor Indians had oll‘er d curl n; mury, but on the contrary, gave 'em as _muc 1 l onour and Refpeét as if they had beenlent trom Heaven , till they were wearied out with repeated Qutia- ges and h'lallacres, and coni‘trarn'd to hetale themfelves to Arms contrary to their inclination, and to repel forceby force, to fecure themtelves from the horrible Violences and lnfults of their Enemies, who invented divers kinds of Torments for them, With a Barbarity beyond all Defcription. A particrzlar Account of what the Spaniards did in Hifpaniola. orlaying up great ftores before hand. One ‘73:"- Miami would continue in a day, that which would have fufiic'd three Indian Families of ten each, for the {pace of a whole l‘donth. . treatment and ipoil foon made the hihibitaers of" this Illand lofe the Bite-em they had coneeiv'd of the Spaniards, whom they at lirit look'd upon as rnef. fengers from Heaven: to that at length they i)'$'}{ifz31 to hide their Wives and Children, and what-extr Goods they had from 'em. Some retired into Cave»F others fled up into the Mountains to avoid meeting, with the Spaniards who now appearid f0 terrible and cruel to 'em. The Spaniards did not content them{elves to beat 'em, and to ofi‘b‘ "em tinny other Indignities, but cut their Threats in cohl Blood: and without any refpeé't either to Age or Quaiitv, put their Princes, and the Governors of their Cities to death: They came to that height of lmpin cnee and Villany, that a Spam/b Captain had the lnfiilence to abufe the Wife of the greatell: King of the ifland. This vile feet drove 'ern quite to defpair, to that from that time they fought means- of driving the Spaniards out of their Country; they hetook themfelves to Arms, and did what they could to defend themfelves againft thefe Tyrants: but the Weapons they us'd were neither capable of defending them, nor of offending their Enemies to T thisifland the Spaniards arriv'd in their firft Voyages, and here began to perfecute and any purpofe; and were more like thofe that Cl Vil- murder the Indians, taking away their Wives and dren ufe to play with, than fuch as are fit for Soul- Children, and tiling 'em, or rather abufing 'em at their pleafure. They devour'd all that thefe poor diers to ufe in War. " ' Creatures had amafs'd together for their Subfiftence witha great deal of Care and Labour, not content with what they freely ofi'er'd 'em as far as their P0- The Spaniards, who were mounted on fine Horfes,' and armed with Lances and Swords, loolr'd upon Enemies f0 meanly equip'd with the greateft Con- tempt, and committed the moft horrible Slaughters with lmpunity. They pafs'd through the feveral verty and the meannefs of their Condition would permit: for they are fatisfied with what is of If)?" Cities and Towns, fparing neither Age nor Sex, Neceflitymot troubling themfelves with fuperfluitizsr, but kill‘d Women and Children as well as Men: B 4 They |