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Show l ' ' . _ , ""dC"W'Wf‘éW‘" MICE- _ 245 A Relation of we Spanilh Voyage: 244 now are dCPI‘iV‘d by the Indians deferting the" H3" bitations. ,pofe em to the fame leeries they have hitherto endur'd, and perhaps to increal'e them: for after this the . Your MRlCflY may remember that after a matmc examinati of on this Affair by many learned Men and able DivinCS, they unammoully declard, that the Dominion of the Inches could 310th )uth given to priVMC Men, not difmember d. from WI: $1: re will be no dependence to be had on the Orders and Prohibitions mad e in favour of the Indians, whatever Penalties {hal l be annex'd to fa:tilitate their Execution; for thofe that have bin already made are very wif e Ediéts, and might be very ufeful if put in practice. And one chi ef jER YJS Crown. Thls Determ tlon "7.35. fibril "3 ,Keafon againfl: giving the Indians for Vallals to Ferdmmrdu Come, With 01dina to ?" to PHt 1‘ "1 efecuf the Spaniards , is the fmall account thefe latter tion. Your Majeity W35 P133540" the fame account ' make again to C3" {OSEtheh an Aflemhly 0f Perfonsdot 'tis of the Lives of thoI'e poor Creatures; for to be imagin'd with what Contempt they great Learning and Virtue, who after a longf "e: looknot upo n ‘em, unlefs by thofe that have fear it: bate, dECI‘Jl‘id that the SP""'""" could notilau u 3; The ir exc elfive Covetoufnefs induces 'em to make. be made Lords of the Inch". Aft" Wl‘llCh' youl km labor beyond their Str ength, not caring what Maielty gave DIOR expref s Orders to Prom" 1" revoking all Grants to the contrary procu rdhor: thofe falfe Accounts and Mzfieprefentations t a had been given you. Your Majelty commanded the Governor of Florida to put thefe Edic‘ts in execution, as maybe {till feen by his lnitruétions. ' Among the principal Articles of thefe Conll'itutrons, one is, That the Indians ought to be accounted free: and‘ not obliged to any other Services than the rei't or becomes of 'em ['0 they get thing by 'em. If any Perfons give your Majeiany ‘ty a contrary ac~ count of thefe matters, you ought to look upon 'em as Enemies to th e State, and difiifl‘efied to your Ma-i jelty's Service. If your Majel‘ty be convinc'd by the Ar gume produc'd, you will prevent the Spaniards fro nts m com- mitting a great many Violences and Murder s, of which they are every day guilty. You your Majeltyvs Subyeéts who enjoy their Lmer wil ty ‘Spam fro l fec ure m this Contagion, 1n preventi ng; your under your Government: That they ought to pay People at home from partaking of the Sins of Tifh€5 TO (305*, "Bldg CRUSH to‘: fome time, and likewife fuch Tribute to your Majelty as is im‘ their fellow-Subje and {baring the Plunder with them which they cts, have {0 unjuftl y gotten. For all POS'd lawfully, and in proportion to [he GONE Men of fenfe acknowledg that the Crimes of the they POWER, and the quality 01 their Land, «Word ing to the realionable Eftimate of thofe that govern icm _ .4 le mam If it be delir d that the Indzaas {houln 3b. 3:) " Sprmmrds In Amer render all Spam obnoxrous to the Curfe of God ica 3 that the conrfe they take to be- Come rich is unjult', that the Gold Silver they bring from the Indie: is fiolen, and and that they are the 0‘3me Ruth) and brought to; CPI‘333ffFfiQC 'd to reftore it to the right Owners whom Cufiomsa whilcthey keep??? 10" 0; (10""""1i7;i,, oblig they have unjuftly plunder'd: which likewife eviamong themfelves, your hiajefty ougfit "OE '50 b1 " ance «P a ‘ ' 1‘" them as Slaves to any one wha'tr oeVet, Cit} if IOI a" ever, or for a limited time 5 -er tnis would s Jib-b s that thofe that partake of thefe ufurp'd . RlChes have no - good Title to 'em; for they ought. R 3 to |