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Show . A Relation of the Spanilh Voyage; and Cmeltie: in the Weft-Indies. of Gold out of the Mines, and condemning others out of mere Avarice fent 'em to feed like Beaftsin that were remote from any Mines to other kinds of the fields, or to gather fruit upon the Mountains, after which they forc'd 'em to work two or three '230‘ Tribute. Some of the Spaniards he carried with him, {hook off the Obedience they ow'd the King being inform'd of thefe RaVages, wrote his mind to the Cruelty and Violence of the Spaniards on the Indians, and to govern 'em as a free People, which and opprefs7d belides with excellive Labor? 'Tis impoflible they lhould fubfift long under this cruel Bondage, which makes "em lead a forrowful, languilhing and miferable Life, being deltitute both of Orders were not well executed: For the Spaniards convenient Food and Relt. theyhad got this Gold, they were forc'd to be all day in the Water to walh it. At firft the Indians mull In: ll . One Man frankly confefs'd to me that he had got a great Eflate in a lhutup the Indians by force in the Mines, to employ em in the tOilfom work of digging for Gold, which requ1res a very robuft Conl'titution: And when l , days together without eating. 2g 1 and fet up for f0 many Tyrants, committing Vio: lence and ASpoil beyond what can be ealily imagin'd In the Province of Aiaoagzm, one of the finelt and molt populous Countries in the Indies. The Kin to General De-Lare's, and order'd him to put a Hop v y: y w..."- .m were kept in the Mines for a whole year, till the Spamards found they were not able to endure fuch hard and continual Labor, and therefore gave 'em Tome, time of refpite, contenting themfelves to little time by this kind of frugality. What l‘trength can Bodies that. are naturally of a tender Conftitu- tion be fuppos‘d to have when fed after this manner, ‘ Tho the King order'd each Indian to be paid in proportion to his Work, that they might have fomc- thing to live on, and be capable of buying them‘ {elves Necellaries, this Command has been ill obferv'd, for they had nothing at all for many years; f0 that they were put to the greatefl: Extremity, and fufl‘er'd Hunger to that degree thatthey dehr'd nothing more than to die, that they might findan end of their Miferies. Thef‘e are the Calamities keep em only for five Months in digging Gold, after the poor Indians have fuffer'd in the Serv1ce of which they employ'd "em forty days in melting it. This they pretended was a time of tell: for theft Chriltians, who have had no regard either to their Souls or Bodies. . poor Creatures, tho this latter fort of Work is As for thofe Orders that haVe been given the .more torlfom than that of grubbing up of Roots, Spaniards to treat the Indians as a free People, not and clearing Ground that is over-run with Wood: to overocharge 'em with Labor, not to do 'em any ."l'o that they don't know what a Holy-day or Sun- Injuftice, and to let 'em mind thClt‘ own Affairs, day means throughout the whole year. and order their bufinefs as they {aw good, they have They are grometimes almolt familh'd, having nothing given ern fave a few dry Roots that yield but little NUtriment: The the moft liberal of the Spaniard; diftrlbute a Porker once a week among half a hundred bin no more heeded than the other, For they have been made mere Slaves, and certainly have not fo Indmm, which is little more than every one a talle- the Calamities thefe poor Wretches undergo,but look Nay fome of 'em have not been willing to give the (urban: that ferv'd 'em any thing at all to eat, but of Slaves, upon them as the vilell: t H fit to. have . g and not , out muth liberty as Beafts. And the Spanmrdg, as good Chril‘tians as they are, are not at all mov d by all . the liberty of domg any gun: they llilVe a mindd: |