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Show A Dzflmta cmzcr'r/i‘rzzg the iflflwiag of the Indians. s for inftan‘ce, if they have violently ufurp-‘d the hand tians, for bringing to many Miferies upon 'em 3 and 156 of Chriiiians, as they have the Holy-Land; 11 they profane our Churches, breai: down out Images, and y and offer any great outrages toEhrrl'nans, in harr contempt of ‘their Earth: that when t 3.; harneror Con/famine for-bad the ieieathens to kt" 1.- {1191? idols, it was for fear the Chrifiians {he‘id he feandahz'd _ 7em. ' byHe fays, If God feverely punilh'd the C" the Sodoim'tes, it does not therefore roll." may take upon us to pun-ilh all Infir} -3 of .nat‘ we tor their un- I 57 that they cannot chufe but think the Law of Chrifl: an execrable Doctrin, fince it authorizes (as the imagin) fuch terrible Diforders. The Bilbop coneludes in fayipg, 'tisa mere delufion to aITert, that. the Wars made againft thefe lnfidels are not defign'd to introduce Chriftianity among 'em by open force, but only to fubiugate thofe barbarous Nations the better to difpofe 'em to receive the Faith of Chrifi; voluntarily. He pretends that this is ill reafoning, re to admire the judg- beeaufe War fpreads to much terror among thoie ments of God, but no: aiways to imitater every thing he does. He fays, we may punn‘h lnndelsif they blafpheme the Holy Name of God, or difhonour Faith, 'tis to be fuppos'd they do it rather out of fear than love: and that their Neighbours when they hear what Violence, Spoil, and Maflhcres have attended natural Pollutions: That 'f‘ the Saints and the Church, if they openly hinder the publication of the Faithtand if they mallacre thoie that preach it: but that it is not lawful to_de- ,clare War againft 'em merely on the account or their Idolatry, their unnatural Sins, or any other Crimes 1. they com mit among themfelves. ansare Inor The And whereas Dr. Sepzrlnede fays, abarbarous People, and born for Slavery: theBio then of Cbiapa anl'wers this Objee‘tion, 1n faymg, That we ought not to make War upon Inhdels to bring 'em to the true Religion, which IS only to be demonfirated by genuin Reafons, that the under- étanding may be captivated according to the words of St. Paul, That it muft be a pious Affection to the Chriitian Faith that will difpofe men to embrace it ~, and that care ought to be taken that they may have no averfion againfl: thoi'e that preach it", who therefore ought by their good Examples to engagC the ing'im to relilh the Doftrine they endeavour tn propagate among "em: That War is vihbly contral‘i to this end, hecaufe it lills the minds of thofe‘ldf): . w., "It" t‘) t'. ‘ ith horror and indignation againil‘ the (,hri‘r People, that if they afterwards embrace the true this War, may probably, to avoid the like Mifchiefs, blindly embrace the Faith, without knowing what they do themfelves. Dr. Sepulueda urges for another reafon of W ar, that the Indians mall‘acre innocent Perfons, either to facrifice, or to eat 'em. To which Argument the Blfllop returns this anfwer, That if the Church ex.horts us to undertake the defence of Innocents, it ought not in this cafe to he by the way of Arms, firft, becaufe of two Evils we ought to chufe the lealt. If the Indian: maflhcre fome innocent Perfom to eat 'em, 'tis indeed a great Evil 5 but War would? bring much greater flaughters with it: belides, that thefe Wars diihonour our Religion, and render the Chriftians odious to the Infidels 3 who tho they fa- crifice men, are not altogether ineXculhble, becauli: 0‘? their great Ignorance, and have reafon not to' put tliemfelves into the hands of the Spain/h Soldiers, who come with their Swords in their hands to ml) and kill 'em, infiead of initruéting "em in Relia .glon', Whereas they have no right to punilh "ear for their Errors: That thmrcb fays, when the raga-m: Ilfllli: V , ‘ iebdpeu |