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Show 1 4o of the 16mg: of Spain 10 America. Propofltz'aizr macaw/ig- the Title 141 think himfelf oblig'd, for theadvantagecf his Kingdom; to fend Evangelic Miniiters to ‘mftruét In this afFair they ought to have no temporal Advantage in their eye, but to look upon all earthly things the lnfidels, he ought to confult the Pope anout it, who will ufe fuch means as he thinks molt proper to advance this defign. not be juft, if they can do any thing for theit would advan- VII ,Propofltion. oblige 'em to neglect f0 favourable an occalion aproto - as tranlitory and of fmall confequence: Yet tage of their Dominions, while they are procurin the Augmentation of the Kingdom of Chrilt vided it be done without any coni'iderabl e prejudice To avoid confufion, the Vicar of ChriIl: may di{tribute the Kingdoms and Provinces of the Infidels, of what Seét foever they be, among the Prmcesot ChriItendom ~, and may exhort "em to be zealous for the propagation of the Faith, and vigorouily to ap- ply themfelves to the work of enlarging the Umverfal Church, by the Converfion and Salvation of Souls, as the only end they ought to have in View, VIII Propofition. in making this divifion the Pope ought not to regard the increafe of the Honors, Titles, Riches and Territories of Princes, but only to have refpeé'tto the Converfion of the Infidels 3 lince this alone is the Intention of Chrifl: in the trufl: he repofes in 'em, to take care of the Inftruetion of Souls, which is a dif- ficult and carefulCharge, and of which they will be one day oblig'd to render an account before the firiét Tribunal of God. For this Employ refpetls the advantages of Inhdels more than the particular Intereit of Chriftian Princes. to the Infidels, or to the Princes that govern 'em. X Propofirion. Thofe Infidels that live in Countries remote from Europe, and have never heard of jefus Chriit or the Chriitian Religion, have their own lawful Kings and Princes, who are the natural Rulers of the particular Countries they govern, and have right to Laws, and to el‘tablilh all things necelTary make for good Government of their refpeelive Dominions the 3 f0 that they can't be expell'd out of 'em, or depriv'd of what they pofefi, without doing violence to the Law of God as well as to the Law of Nations. X I Propoflrion. That Opinion which contradicts the Principle jolt now laid down, is erroneous and pernicious -, and if any Perfons-fet themfelves obitinately to defend it, they'lbecome guilty of Hereiic. For it opens a door to alllmpieties and Villanies, to Robbery and Cruel- tY_‘, m a word, to many irreparable illifchiefs, and halnous Sins which diihonor the name of Chri it, hin- der the progrefs of the Catholic Faith, and bring the IX Propoflrion. Chrii'lian Princes ought to have no confideration for any thing but the Service of God, and the Ad- greateft Miferies on Mankind in this life, together With the inevitable deltruétion ofmultitudes of Souls Tanfom'd by the Blood of Chriil. So that this would bell"? Way to Hide all the Sentiments of Piety, Hu~ vancement of the univeri‘alChurch, when they ap- ply their endeavors to propagate the Faith of (Shall: "Hilly, and Evangelic h'leeknels, may of all Chriiiian (I ry, lrtues in general, to introduce l, islence, 'l"rea;he-- |