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Show 136 A Rc/Czrr'oiz of the Spanilh l 'olyagar Eff/yer, that corrupt and vicious Subjects altcr'd the good difpofition of Princes, and betrayd 'em into ExcellEs, that occalion'd the ruin of whole Ringdoms and their Kings together. ‘p‘l‘is for this reafon, Great Sir, I have briefly draWn up thele Propofitions, to fet this matter before you in a clearlight. This I hare done to difcharge my own Confcience, and that I might the better anfwer the Obligationsof that Miniltry wherewith God has entrul‘ted me. I find my felfgrowing old, being advanc'd to the got}; year of my age 5 and the great acquaintance Ihave had with the Aftairs of flmericizdias turnii'h'd me with a very diftinct ltnowledg of "em 5 {0 that my circumi'tances render me in ionic relpects more capable than others of giving proper Advice to thofe that are propos‘d for the Government of Azrziri-z'ra, that and Crueltz'es 2'72 the Well-Indies. 137 {elites a Title to the Government of Americ a b force of Arms, after the fame manner that Nim rod, who was the firft mighty Hunter (as the Scripture exprefly obferves) and firft began to tyrannize over Men, laid the foundation of his Dominion 5 or as Alexander the Great, and the ancie nt Romans extended the bounds of their Empire; or lull: as the Turks to this day opprefs the Chriltians, and invade their Territories. All the World may ealily perceive that they who reaf on thus, are ignorant of the true Interelt of the King ofSp and {hamefully violate all the Rules of Jultice. airz, prove what they advance',they add newErrors to To full Extravagancies, tillthey fhew by the wre their tched Maxims Cruelty that has fo long harafs'd the lnhabitantsof they expofe, that they have neither Hon or nor Chriltianity. For it often falls out, that while" they who wander from the Trade of Truth and Virme, go about to excufe the Errors they have made, they fall into other Miftakes that are {till more grofs and dangerou the New W'orld. They that endeavour to crofs my good Deligu' with the gt‘eateft warmth, and deck theml‘elves with appear to be fomewhat better founded, and alled they may know how to put a period to its Mileries: for I have no other intention or dclire in this matter, than that of fuppreliing the Iniultice and a an: appearace of zeal and affection to your Maiel'ty, tho at the bottom they have no regard either to truth or iuitice, take care to hide their Deligns under the fpecious colour of promoting your Ma}ell'y‘s Service and Intereft, and of eltabliihing your Malefiy's Right and Title to America, while indeed s. There are others of 'em Who produce Titles that' Arguments that feem more probable and honeft. Thefe fay we may juitl y take pollelfion of the ladies, and fub‘due the Peonle, becaufe we have a greater flock of Prudence and Wifdom than other Nati ons, and beca ufe our Country is nearer to the Indie: than many others. But 'tis eafy to fee that none of theft all they do is diredly contrary to your Majeity'sSer- : Reafons are concluding, having no foli d Foundation vice, whether in refpeé‘t of Spirituals or Temporals. And I believe all intelligent Chriftians, that have a ‘ That your Maielty may the better comprehend true zeal for their Religion, will be of this opinion, when l have made the Errors and Extravagancies of tnofe that oppofe my Sentiments appear; for their: thitlemcn hand over head maintain that the Kings of Spain have a Right to found and eftablilh thlfim' ' fe VCS to fupport 'em. the force of the Reafons that have been prod uc'd below you, and more eafily diftinguilh what is agree- ale to the Rules of Equity from what is con- ttary to 'em, and difcern your faithful Servants r0m l'uch as mind nothing but their ownlnter eft, {hall come my felf, and viva wee explain to you r ' ' Majefiy |