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Show A Reldtion of the Spanifl] Vojages and Crdeltt'es 2'22 the Wellelndies; not much {trength in it, being made of Roots and; Cafl‘ave; fo that if they don't eat Flelh or Fifh with» iva'rds be content to die. This Governor depriv'd "emof all the liberty they enjoy'd, and fufl'er'd the They like Spaniards to inflave "em, and treat 'em as feve‘rely wife give 'em a fort of Pepper that grows in the Country, and looks much like a dry'd Grape, met With is beyond what the Mind of rrian can imaa Thofe Spaniards that pretend to keep their Slaves gine. They have not the liberty to difpofe of any excraordinary well, diltribute a Porker every week thing they have: The condition of Bealts is preferaa among fifty Indians; but he that prefides over 'em at the Mine keeps one half of it for his flare, and ble to theirs,- for thefe are at leafl: fometimes turn'd loofe to fill their Bellies, with Grafs in the fields; , and. gives them the other, which is but every one a bit have a little cafe and liberty; Whereas the poor Some of the Spaniards are f0 wretchedl'y covetous, that they fend their Slaves into the Fields and Mountains to feed upon what Fruit they. can find, and then oblige 'em to work two or three days without Indians have fcarce any time of relt allow'd 'em, 130 it, it yields very little Nourilhment. giving 'em any thing to eat. Your Majefty may eafily imagine, that fuchr-kindsof' Food can't poflibly fuftain their weak and languifhing‘Bodies', that are 3i 3i. as they pleas'd', and indeed the ill ufage they have but are conftrain'd to do whatever the covetous Spaniards command 'em. ,They lead, 'em to work like Beafts of Burden rather than Men; ,If at any time they give 'em leave to go home to take a little Repofe, they neither find their Wivesnor Children there, not any thing to eat, and have no" other re: continually enfeebled and exhaufiedsvvith hard La~ lief than to lay themfelves down and die. 1 The in- bet; or that thefe poor Creatures that are macerated with all manner of Hardfhip and Fatigue, without any reft, or relaxation of their Mifery, can live long under the prellhres of f0 cruel a Servi- tredib'le Fatigue they undergo Wears 'en'i Out the fooner, becaufe they are naturally of a Weak and tender Confiitution'7 and when they are ficl: and rude. pallion: nay, the Spaniards are fo' cruel as, to beat The abovemention'd'Governor at lalt order'd' they fhould have Wages diftributed among 'em, W. that three * Blancs lhould be given each of 'em to famt, they are fiillvmade to work without any Cornand abufe 'em when they are jul't ready to die, Calling 'ern laZy Rafcals, as if they refus'd to" work, and. feign'd themfelves lick, merely out of ldle‘nefs. At This was only to mock lalt when they fee their lllnefsincrea'fe to that deg! gree, that they can expeé‘t‘ no more Service of 'em, the poor VVretches, for this Mony would fcarcc theY fend 'em home, giving 'em‘ fix or {even great buy 'em the leall; Trifle. But for many years the.v Roots, almoll: like Turnips, With a finall quantity had nothing at all given 'em, yet this does 110‘ dillzurb 'em fo much as want of Vii'ruals; for thef? of CalFave, to carry 'em a journey or fifty or fixty‘ Leagues; f0 that‘they often miferably languilh and is nothing in the world they fo much defire as"; eat well, infomuch that if they could but fausfi‘ themfelves with one good Meal, they would aftrcdr; we die before they have proceeded far on their way: fpend every two days, as the Reward of the hard Labors they exacted of "em. "fix '* A Blane is about the value of a Half-penny. We often foundAa great many of 'em dead, on the Roads, others we found ready to expire, and other: by their Groans and ,Sighs gave us to underfland‘ heir extreme Hunger. NVhen the governor had". K 2" new" |