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Show and Cruel: {es in the W ell-Indies. 1012 A Relation of the Spanilli Pig/pages many Perfons, illullrious both for their Quality and Learning, and moreover endued with great l'iety1 who deliberated on thefe important Affairs in divers Selhons at Iflzlladolii. At length by the unanimous Confent of the whole All'embly1 dyers Propofitions were ratified and publilh'd; and which appear the more conformable to the Rules of (.lhrillia nity, in as much as the l-‘erl'ons who compos‘d this famous Aflembly had never been any way tonccm'l ., Elm" " ‘ ' I o; arded God with thole that fent ‘em, and neither reg g's Or~ the Kin nor Man'7 they immediately forgot to [0 great ders, and laid alide the Reverenee due ', and being willing to take part with thofe aPi‘inee ty, Tyrants, that they might have a {hare of the Boo giv ima hehav'd themfelves with a Cruelty beyond e nation, and jollihetl thofe Villanies which they wer lent to pnnilh. and So that {inc-e the year 1341, {nth Rapine Violence has been committed in Peru, that the like in the Outrages olllrr'd the Indians; they were fuel. as had neither Walh'd their hands in their Blood. nor reap'd any advantage by the immenle 'l‘realuns that had been taken from "em with {0 much We hasnot been heard of either in the Indies, or any lence, after the murder of incredible numbers lt‘ of innocent People. For the Avariee and Crue of thOfe Spaniards who lirll felt foot in America hat: been the fatal Caufes of all the Miteries that net } JUdgment'of 60d to turn their Arms one 333.1111 on. another With great fury to Ellen mutual deftructi er the und Some ,Of the People Of this new Worldag' d to re- ers ft? fe new Ord lication of the After gthe pub eclot Frot the ge, Ima the s of air regulatin the Aff ?" " Order‘ss;Pet9" WWW WCC towerthe Iule OW ona tti rel add s to rou e deh pletenning they ‘World has undergon. fe other part of the \Vorld: Nor do they exerei their Cruelty only on the lna'irms, whom they have aimolt exterminated, but are luffer'd by the jnfi protectionof thele Rebels, were enconr fiYa hm fllfi‘cr'd themmm ‘0 {an fome Credit {)0lf‘i‘fnl'cmMaJC of thofe cruel Tyrants? who had ts "3".le downfithe l‘tream W" the relt, 3." have to confiitui at Court, proetzr'd feveral Precep Inch: Province-‘2 ofthethe d into divers Ofiicersy towerfen ic ethn fee to n'd eer con h muc e for the their Violence likely to be florid, and their wont. Robberies and litetortions obl'trué‘teel. And Ill they to Whom the care of {upwelling thele Dlls " JS are "on eahly eFe lor the SPWW rCVOde "'9' ren un~ hav y the res alh Tre le lwaded "to lnr der tho filmy, murped, or m?" releafe 1W? Imam" whom :1le nave 'inllav'd. H they dmjt 1.0 often "la-"3F"? emfi they increafe the WCl‘ie-lht 0f the" l‘rons, 3nd_1m‘ r Inlhlts of th: derss and preventing, the farthe no confeience , e , mad ted TTYIWS Was commit " il; and "go e and "if" umu 1m: Laws 01,1 em. mor t ano ‘ha ity hor Aut hrs Ivous. And tne King with all d bothi Vloluting that Equity and Fidelity they ow' God and their hrinee; for they knew very m ffcaufe they are generally linlt'd together in a Con~~ what efi'cé‘t the Edic'ts that were made rnult 36¢? deracy, bOth {mall and great; 39d all nfe the 11; 11an and therefore alarm'd the People before?" arrival of the judges who were fine to Ellcliili ? to publifh the Laws of their Prince, andto pm" fin execution; f0 that as loan as thefe judges Ci" { :5th Amman they away-rd to be of the {ante 1‘ " fchielsi git been able to [top the courfe 0t thefe hli e or 1"" Eentions trade Of liObbm?) and fpmhng emor Pllbhdill'a :CCOldmg ‘10 their POWCI‘, fome mor. :"fil others after a clandel‘tine manner But that " mme: dnefs and mak 1: :Ch yet further difeoyereis,thethaBol {fill y the t eie itk ocr Hyp fe ~ M 0f the 44 Dre-- |