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Show A w i «H v a 1M'«R;‘.‘.s\-A<km may at. nwmmmmM-a 50 [I Relarimz of the Spanifli Voyager 427d Cruellier ii? the Weft-Indies. SI ful, air as Well as thofe that were grown to maturity, fulfer'd Xalifquo, a Country very populous and fruit the molt famous in all America; there arcTow this Punifhment and Infamy: They pretended they in it of feven Leagues inlength. 'l‘he'i‘e l:.1df.mt,; had right to make a great number of 'em Slaves, the others had done before, came out to iueethir with great exprefiions of joy:' but he thou left my to defray the Charge of their long Travels; and that they might lawfully mahe thefe poor Creatures on "cm the marks of his Cruelty, which he had ni endure all forts of Torments, to force "em to detitrated by long Experience. The noble Prefcnt clare where they had hid their Gold: Some of 'em. made this Tiger could not inollify him, His delir they burnt, others were torn in pieces by hungry was to heap together a great quantity of Cold, tl; Dogs; they cut offthe. Feet, Hands, Arms, Tongues, was the oniy ldol he ador'd :, and all ne ns werei: and fometimes the Heads of others, to terrrfy the diferent to him, fo he could but attain his €h reit by thefe fad Spectacles, that they might oblige He {ct fire to all the Cities through which he nail 'em the more ealily to fillimit to Slayery, or to lheW' and deftroy'd "em to the very Foundation. He keg 'em the places where they had fecurlcr their Trea- thofe of the higheft Divnity prifoners, after heh fure. inflicted divers kinds of Torments on 'em. "ll And all thefe things were acted With the knowledg and content. of the Governor, who would Spaniards loaded all the Indians they could taltelie: fometiines order more Blows to be given 'em, when with Chains, which wasa great number. The Son diets made Women big with Child carry their Bi; "THIHYHO ' _', Way, by which means a prodigious number of Chi they were beat or whip'd, to compieat their Mi- fery. Pourfcore Towns and Villages at leaf‘t were burnt in the Kingdom of Mali/2'0 .- \Vhich tragical light, together with all the various Cruelties they filil'tif'd every (lay,fo provokfl the Inc/Jim", that they arm'd themfelves and fell upon the Spaniards, and hill'd dren perilh'd. fome of 'em: after which Expedition they tied up gage, till they fainted and funk under their Burde; With hunger and wearinefs. Others not able: carry both the heavy Burdens they gave 'em, at their Children too, were fore'cl to leave thefe by tl A Spaniard attempting to rarilh a Virgin in t into the Mountains, but at length were malTacred in prefence of her Mother, the Mother did whatl could to hinder him; upon which, to prevent it this place of Refuge by other Spaniards who made Excurlions through theft: Provinces to lay 7cm wafte. from farther oppofing his brutifn delign, he (in They put all of 'em to the Sword who made any hisHSword and cut off her Arms, and afterwari offer to defend themfelves, fo that this place became Kill d he? Daughter becaufe {he would by no met a horrible feene of Blood : And there is iiarceany confent to his filthy Delires, but refitted him wi: 5 «irtuous Indlgm‘ltlon and Courao0e to her it breath. Remnant of this once numerous People left. The Spaniards were certainly blinded, harden'd and aban» don'd'by the Almighty, that they made no Refleaion on the Laws Of God or Men, which all forbid the who mark'd ",2," t\fiflt fa hot Iron by the Spaman born f in us or Slaves, tho they We, ree and independent. The very Childrt exercife of their Violence as they have been guilty of in America. They had no iult occafion given "em to drive the Inhabitants of thofe Provinces from .E 2 thei |