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Show 652 POPULATION, CIVILIZATION, RELIGIOUS, VITAL, AND. CRIMINAL STATISTICS. 653 Statistics relating topopulation, dre.ss, intelligence, dwellings, and sub sistenee of Indians, and religious, vital, and criminal statistics-Continosd. I I ~p Civilization. I - I Relkions. I Marital. I Vital. 1 Criminal Name of ilpenoy and tribe. SOUT~ D A K O T A - C O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Rosebud Agency. Brol Lwfer. Northern.Lower ~n%6,TwoKcttle,andW azha. zhe SIOUX: Agenc district ............... B i g d i t e River district ..... Blaek Pipe Creek.district .... Butte Creek district. ......... Cot Mest Creekdiskiot ...... Little WhiteRiver district ... Panoa Creek district ......... Sisspton agency. Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux ... Yrznkton Agency. Yankton Sionr .................... TmxAS. Not ,'der an wmt. Alabama. Coahatta, and Musk-gee .............................. UTAB. Uillto and &ray Ageney. White River Ute kt Uita. UintaUte,atUinta ............... ...... Oneom ahme~dea. t Ouray. .... ~ h i t e 8 i v e r ~ t e . a t 0 ~ r..s..y.. Under day school teacher at St. George. Kaibb ............................ Kaibab at Cedar City ............ ~aiut r , 'aKt anosh, GrassValley. and Rabbit Valley .............. Shiawits .......................... WASHINOTON. colvrne A~~wL,. Cleor d'Al&ne ..................... Columbia(Moses's band) ......... Colville ............................ Kalispel ........................... Lake .............................. LowerSwkan .................... Neu Per& (Joseph's band) ....... Okinagan ......................... Sanpo~al nd Nespelim ............ U oer and Middle Spokan, on goeur d'~lan~e a s e r v.e. ........ U per and Middle Spokan, on gpokan~eseme.. .............. bBy c Same of this band have gone to other reservations. Citizen's 93 Dwelling Percent of sub-dress. sistence - I,£& 472 860 9SO 570 393 1,890 1 , 7 ~ a280 864 470 } 1% b45 1M 138 450 292 288 150 311 375 127 575 403 98 191 aTaken from mintake . 2.240 1,890 1 , m 8 4 380 - 2.W ....... ....... .............. - 90 91 150 25 BO ro 150 12 200 30 40 1% Ea 4M 282 298 811 375 ........ 575 88 1% - reported 320 last year. ....................................................... ....................................................... ...... ...... ...... ....................................................... ............ ...... ........................................ ..................... ...... ...... M 2.5 25 15 =port of last year. ............. ............. ....... ....... ....... .............. 12: ....... ....... ....... - 2,450 l,l%, I ! i I Kq 1,WO 1 120 8 45 BO 90 10 160 28 30 ............ ............ mz 14 % 75 1W 9 W 42 BU 8% 8 25 ...................................................... 2.5 25 ........... ........ ........ sso 2.5 M lw 75 85 9105 25 95 90 75 - .... .... 5 6 15 10 25 50 5 ........ 10 ........ J 5 i EO 1 } 1.m 210 4x5 1u . .... .... .... - 45 n M m eZ 4W.-...- - 40 a .... - - I m ........ 15 BO I 50 15 |